7 Meanings
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Register Lyrics

Find it funny when the punch-line was You. And You don't like my punk boy attitude. You didn't smile when I checked out that girl, or when my sin kept me in the world. And then I claim all I wanna do is praise Your name. I hate my sin, destroy it and mold in me from within. And then I claim all I wanna do is praise Your name. I hate my sin, destroy it and mold in me from within. And now I'm trying to keep the bad stuff away, but if I forget to keep Your word and pray. I love You Jesus, I need Your love in my life. I love You Jesus, I want to be like You Christ. And now I'm trying to keep the bad stuff away, but if I forget to keep Your word and pray. I love You Jesus, I need Your love in my life. I love You Jesus, I want to be like You Christ.
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7 Meanings

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Cover art for Register lyrics by Relient K

ok i was really loving this band but now after ive read a few of thier lyrics thier cult like attitude is kinda scarying me:.... why cant we all just be good people and not have someone tell us what to do

Cover art for Register lyrics by Relient K

i just want to say to kaija that the whole "cult like attitude" is called christian rock, it honestly shouldn't scare you at all. reliant k's lyrics are uplifting and comforting, not scary! and really, i'm not trying to be a bitch here, i'm just clarifying something

Cover art for Register lyrics by Relient K

They're not trying to tell you what to do. Notice that they never adress the audience, but, rather, they explain their own personal struggles with sin, Chrisitanity, etc. Music is (or should be) about expressing yourself, your emotions, your thoughts, your fears. It's about giving away a part of yourself and letting people into your mind and heart. That's exactly what they're doing. Jesus seems to be a pretty important part of their lives.

Cover art for Register lyrics by Relient K

well said, a m drive.

Cover art for Register lyrics by Relient K

hey guys.. can someone tell me what cd this is from? there are a lot of songs on here I ahve neevr heard of. I have the anatomy cd, the self titled , their EP and they're new pink one... so which one is this?

Cover art for Register lyrics by Relient K

It sounds like those songs are from an old demo or ep, because Thiessen's singing is different. They also sound like they're earlier versions of songs on their albums.

Cover art for Register lyrics by Relient K

FoodLoverIsMe, this is from their first CD, their real first CD, All Work and No Play. It's really hard to get a copy. I think Albumbase.com has it, but I don't know about the legality of the thing. So yeah. That's where it's from.