Marilyn Manson Ate My Girlfriend Lyrics
Yeah starflyer yer right. "Marilyn Manson went to a Canton school."
Canton is a place in Ohio, where Marilyn Manson attended a Catholic School.
hehe i like this song AND marilyn manson. what now?
uh....i just got in a HUGE fight with somoene over all of this "music changes who you are crap" i don't get why it would though. im not saying it doesn't or anything, it just isn't true for me. with all the crap that's been happening in my life right now, if i listened to christian music or if i listened to hardcore death metal stuff, it wouldn;t have an effect. i did it. i listened to chirstian for like, a wekk. i was stuck on it. my life kept going downt he drain. listened to metal, still kept not trying to get sypathy here, im just trying to make a point. what music poeple listen to really isn't anyone else's business. for me, music is like, sooo personal and so meaningful to me, the lyrics are. and hwen people say i should stop listening, yeah, i will get pissed. i agree with opiv87. and i also don't think that cussing is pro-devil. that's just me. i dont care one way or the other if poeple cuss or not. i personally dont get why bad words are so "bad." this is all stupid. MUSIC SHOULDN'T BE TAKEN SO SERIOUSLY. it shouldn't get mixed up with religion.
I've always thought about it making a connection in some sense because both Relient K and Marilyn Manson are from Canton, Ohio. I have both versions and I like them both. The only difference is towards the end. And yeah the one does say a Canton school and to correct people Marilyn Manson went to a private Christian school, not a Catholic school.
Nintendofann11-don't be such an jackhole.
marilyn manson does what he does because it makes him money, anyway, who cares, this is a good song
mariahlovesmusic, I understand your position on language usage, but just to clarify, the "worldly language" is any language other than "speaking in tounges." If you want people to stop swearing, call it what it is.
Matgrasm, you make very interesting points. However, I think there is a hair-thin fine line between judging people and saying they are contradictory to your/a set of beliefs. I believe the latter was the message that Relient K and the kids on here were trying to get across.
Also, musical taste varies from person to person, just like the taste in food. People are allowed to like certain songs or music if it appeals to them. Just because one person doesn't like a song, doesn't mean some one else can't.
The kids on here aren't bashing atheism or whatever you claim, so could you please stop doing that to them. Respect them for their choices and beliefs and maybe they'll do the same.
The connection between Relient K and Marilyn Manson: they both went to GlenOak High School in Canton, Ohio.
I am both a Christian and a bigtime Relient K fan. These are my opinions that I try to be objective about.
By the way, Manson's going to a catholic school is one of the main reasons he is what he is now.
And I like him. He's an intelligent man.
You people are a bunch of idiots. Why do you talk about a Christian band and a song with such intolerance?
Anyways, here's a shocker for you atheists and believers alike. I'm a fan of both Marilyn Manson and Relient K.