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This Woman's Work Lyrics

This Woman's Work


Pray God you can cope
I stand outside
This woman's work
This woman's world
Oh it's hard on the man
Now his part is over
Now starts the craft of the father

I know you've got a little life in you left
I know you've got a lotta strength left
I know you've got a little life in you left
I know you've got a lotta strength left
I should be cryin' but I just can't let it show
I should be hopin' but I can't stop thinkin'
All the things we should've said that are never said
All the things we should've done that we never did
All the things we should've given, but I didn't
Oh darlin', make it go
Make it go away

Give me these moments
Give them back to me
Give me your little kiss
Give me your...

(I know you've got a little life in you left)
Give me your hand baby
(I know you've got a lotta strength)
Give me your pretty hand
(I know you've got a little life in you left)
(I know you've got a lotta strength left)
Your lovechild
(I know you've got a little life in you left)
Whatever you need
(I know you've got a lotta strength left)
Give me your hand
(I know you've got a little life in you left)
Give me your love
(I know you've got a lotta strength left)

I should be cryin' but I just can't let it show baby
I should be hopin' but I can't stop thinkin
All the things we should've said that we never said
All the things we should've done that we never do
All the things that you wanted from me
All the things that you needed from me
All the things we should've given, but I didn't
Oh darlin', make it go away now.
Just make it go away.
Song Info
Lyrics © Sony/atv Music Publishing Llc
Kate Bush
Release date
Oct 18, 1988
Submitted by
spliphstar On Apr 24, 2002
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22 Meanings

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Cover art for This Woman's Work lyrics by Maxwell

This song meant different things, but today I got a different interpretation. Our views change as our situation does so mine is as follows:

I am a mother of 3, my youngest born just 6 months ago. I recently was diagnosed with an fatal heart disease.

There is no way of begining to imagine how to cope with the thought of leaving my loved ones behind...Pray God you can cope...

I've been to hell and back in my life... a womans struggle

The only way forward is to let the Craft of the Father begin. Only God can see me through.

it's my husband's words to me.

And it hurts like hell.

I'm dying, so best I say what needs to be said.

@kjbhope I love that your name has Hope in it! “Without Hope we don’t stand a chance”! Is one of my many sayings. I am so sorry. I learned that I am sorry is really all one can say to someone going through tragedy. I also want to say thank you! This song always makes me cry! even all these years later. I say thank you for helping me to see how “now starts the craft of the father” can also mean God! I as well love to interpret songs to fit whatever I am going through. It’s my...

Cover art for This Woman's Work lyrics by Maxwell

The song was written expressly for the movie 'She's Having a Baby' by John Hughes and sung by Kate Bush. If you listen to the rhythm of the song there's a slow, steady build up to the anguished 'make it go away'...much like breathing through a contraction build up and the pushing during labor. It's so obvious that this is about a man watching his wife give birth. He 'stands outside this woman's world, this woman's work'. Birth is the one true woman-only work! He encourages, 'I know you've got a little life in you yet, I know you've got a lotta strength left'...she's crying 'make it go away'. The entire movie is about a guy that isn't even sure he wants to be married, but he wakes up to the reality of what he really has when his wife suddenly has a difficult birth and he may lose them both. (He doesn't). The song captures the raw emotions of birth and possibility of death. Very powerful.

Song Meaning
Cover art for This Woman's Work lyrics by Maxwell

it has a beautiful rhythm to it and it makes people think and it also calms me down when im really depressed.

Cover art for This Woman's Work lyrics by Maxwell

Amazing song

Cover art for This Woman's Work lyrics by Maxwell

It's actually a remake. Kate Bush sang it in the 70's or 80's...I can't really remember. Both good makes of the song though. Both beautifully sung.

Cover art for This Woman's Work lyrics by Maxwell

I love this song. whenever i feel depressed i listen to itjust because his voice is so soothing. To me, i think this song is reminding everyone to say and do what is important before its too late.

Cover art for This Woman's Work lyrics by Maxwell

tHis SOnG iS BEautiFUl and I thiNk liKe eVEryOne elsE i liSTen to iT wheN i'm DePrESsEd oR WanT to Be calmEd down...HiS vOice iS soOo prEtty!...thiS soNG is abouT SayIN and doinG whAT should bE donE BeforE itS toO laTE you neVEr iF toMorrow nEVer comEs...r.i.p liZzy loVE you GirL

Cover art for This Woman's Work lyrics by Maxwell

this song reminds me that i need to tell people what they mean to me when i still have the chance.its beautiful. i miss her. i love you liza

Cover art for This Woman's Work lyrics by Maxwell

i saw the video on college and i couldnt apreciate the song becuase it was pretty full the tv room.so i decided to look for that song,,i swear,,i didnt last one minute without having tears on my eyes.they were flowing.if this guy doesnt win an award for such a beautiful song,,,it would be unfair.

Cover art for This Woman's Work lyrics by Maxwell

this is a beautiful song