Stubb (a Dub) Lyrics
We called you puppy?
Now you're one of us
We call you family
Hold the door aside and let her pass
A life stored in your cloudy eye
Now it's time to say goodbye
Stubb a Dub will never die
It's time to wipe your butt
Sliding down butt hill
That you're a fucking dog?
If you can hear me, then throw up
Give me a sign
And I'll throw a stick, bring it back
Roll over and die
You taught me a lesson - thanks mom!
Do you think about me when you're peeing?
Do you really think you're gonna grow
Into a human being?
How does it feel, Stubb?
Fulfill your only roll
Let your problems seep
Out of your hole
We called you family?
Now you're underground
We call you memory

"This song is about a real dog. That is about to die."

This is the only song about a dog dying that gets it right. I hate to think about how my mom is going to lose her mind when our dog dies. I love the dog, but Jesus.

"I think what Trevor is trying to say..."

"That Mike Patton is the craziest...."

This is my fav song of the s/t album its about a dog thats all there is to it...

Poor stubbs RIP lol

Yeah its about a dogs life not just the death start of the sing they have bought a pup now they love it as the song get older so does it when its dead the songs dead such a great song ive made sure if i eva buy a dog its ganna be called stubb

The ads about how to potty train dogs on the side are cracking me up!

lol i like the eulogy

Woah. I never realised this was about a dog dying. My dog died last August. His name was Stubby. We called him Stubbadubs.