Squeeze Me Macaroni Lyrics
And knock her upper during supper
Clutter up her butter gutter
Hostess Ding Dong wrapped an eggroll around my wong
While Dolly Madison proceded to ping my pong
Your Milky Way is M'n'M in your britches
And I'll tell you Baby Ruth it looks mighty delicious
Keep blowing my gum, cuz here I come
I'm gonna get you all sticky with my Bubble Yum
It was a four course orgy on the spread of my bed
French kissin' french fries in my Fruit of the Looms
I get deeper penetration with a fork and a spoon
I stick my weiner in two buns and and then give it the gas
Sour cream from my spleen into Levi jeans
Gonna bust the seams with my refried beans
With Big Mac he'll fuck it like a Chicken McNugget
Colonel Sanders wants to goose Granny's loose caboose
He's gonna give her a boost with that Kentucky fried juice
Sooper doop poop scoop, loop de loop, chicken coop
Shoot some hoop, top sirloin from the groin
Topped with dick cheese, sneeze, wheeze,
From the skeez disease, wooi!
Pour some sugar on me, honey, make it brown & runny
Give a little Flavor Flav, back from the grave
Gonna burn some toast, pump some humpin' rump roast
Jerk the smack and crack Jack from the back
Bananarama or ramabanana
Fuckin' Barry Manilow on the Copa Cabana
Sperm scrambles the eggs and a meal is born
Cookin' like a beginner, but I'm goin' up in her
I had Fritos for lunch I'm havin' bush for dinner
Chef Boyardee and the Three Muskateers
Shove Charleston Chews in their rears like queers
"Holy moly, guacamole!" said my Chips Ahoy
I'm gonna pinch a ravioli on the Pillsbury dough boy

I think about this song everytime I eat something.

It might be worth noting that toward the end of the song, an excerpt from the film Blue Velvet comes in featuring Frank asking about "the fucking beers, man", who was a violent masochistic pervert. This goes on for quite a little while.
So, perhaps this is a humorous song from the perspective of that film character.

Masturbating with food, what a cool thing to sing about!

Are Mr. Bungle songs ever about anything serious? Doubtful. Are they hilarious? Always! I mean, what else would you expect from a bunch of guys who call their style of music 'Clown rock'?

Well, you have to be serious to write this down and remember the words every time you perform this song... and I thought that the girls of porn would have more comments. If this song is only about sex&food joking metaphors, then why would they put so much brand names in it ? It describes a lot of Hollywood (and USA) decadence in most funny ways, for real. I think that 'give your dog a bone' refers to typical consumer - you watch this decadence altough you don't participate it, so you got a bone while someone is chewing that meat. Yeah, MB are one of the funniest bands ever, but one of the most clever bands, too.

nope it's POTTIE, says so in the album booklet. Great vocals by Patton in this song.

this song is about sex with food and other related fetishs... ''we came to pottie...we came to pottie down your throat''

it's interesting, i'll give them that

I thinks hes takin the piss outta the Chillis at the start

this song has that sense of "awww yeah" - know what i mean? it's clearly about a food fetish of sorts. it's awesome... way awesome.