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(515) Lyrics

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136 Meanings

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Cover art for (515) lyrics by Slipknot

all u are wrong, this song was recorded by sid after his grandfather died, just watch the biography off of the iowa 10th anniversary edition: GOAT

Cover art for (515) lyrics by Slipknot

[515] is the statenumber of Iowa.. (Statenumber? Dont know what its called in English. Sorry!) And in the song they're just scream "DEATH, DEATH!". Maybe it's about Iowa.. How death it is.

Cover art for (515) lyrics by Slipknot

Someone going through hell and this is what it sounds like in his mind

Cover art for (515) lyrics by Slipknot

(515) is the area code for Des Moines, IA. I heard somewhere that the screaming is Fred Durst, but I highly doubt that.

Cover art for (515) lyrics by Slipknot

(515) is the area code for Des Moines, IA. I heard somewhere that the screaming is Fred Durst, but I highly doubt that.

Cover art for (515) lyrics by Slipknot

Fred Durst is a faggot!

Cover art for (515) lyrics by Slipknot

fuckin' ay!

Cover art for (515) lyrics by Slipknot

I hate fred too and u will all like this site. http://www.rablade.com/dave.htm I hate ICP too so its all good. Rocktoons is a little better just not as violent.

Cover art for (515) lyrics by Slipknot

hey, what was that whole deal with limp bizkit hating slipknot or something? i mean, it was a long while ago, but they said something about all their fans being fat stupid little nine year olds... what the hell brought that on?

Cover art for (515) lyrics by Slipknot

they said that there fans were stpid fat kids.....thats what i heard.....hmmmmmm ~heather~