422 Meanings
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The Heretic Anthem Lyrics


I'm a popstar threat and I'm not dead yet
Got a super dred bet with an angel drug head
Like a dead beat winner, I want to be a sinner
An idolized bang for the industry killer
A hideous man that you don't understand
Throw a suicide party and I'm guaranteed to fucking snap
I'm supersonic, its pornoholic
Breakdowns, obscenities its all I want to be

If you're 555, then I'm 666
If your 555, I'm 666
If you're 555, then I'm 666
(Whats it like to be a heretic?)
If your 555, I'm 666
(Whats it like to be a heretic?)

Everybody's so infatuated
Everybody's so completely sure of what we are
Everybody defamates from miles away
But face to face they haven't got a thing to say
I bleed for this and I bleed for you
Still you look at my face like I'm somebody new
Toy nobody wants anything I've got
Which is fine because your made of

If you're 555, then I'm 666
If your 555, I'm 666
If you're 555, then I'm 666
(Whats it like to be a heretic?)
If your 555, I'm 666
(Whats it like to be a heretic?)

Thirty seconds, sixteen, eight, four, lemme tell you why
I haven't the slightest, I'm teaching your brightest
They're listening, clamoring
All the money in the world can't buy me
Go ahead, lie to me
Tell me again how you're tortured
I want to know how you fallowed your orders so well
Your full of shit
You had a dream, but this ain't it

If you're 555, then I'm 666
If your 555, I'm 666
If you're 555, then I'm 666
If your 555, I'm 666

If you're 555, then I'm 666
(Whats it like to be a heretic?)
If your 555, I'm 666
(Whats it like to be a heretic?)
If you're 555, then I'm 666
(Whats it like to be a heretic?)
If your 555, I'm 666
(Whats it like to be a heretic?)
422 Meanings
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I think this song is about the music industry and how it's a load of shit. I think that they realised that they were becoming more popular and mainstream and this is them saying that they aren't going to end up like the rest of the crap you hear on the radio or whatever.

"I'm a pop star threat and I'm not dead yet" They're saying that they're a threat to other mainstream artists, that other artists only care about the money and lifestyle, not so much about the music.

"A hideous man that you don't understand" They're missunderstood. Most people who don't listen to metal would think "Oh, they play metal, they wear masks, they must be satanists" When they aren't...

"If you're a 555, then I'm a 666 If you're 555, I'm 666 (What's it like to be a heretic?)" I'm not too sure about what "If you're 555, then I'm 666" means, but "What's it like to be a heretic?" could be Slipknot asking other musicians what it's like to be sell-outs, and why they only care about the money.

"I bleed for this and I bleed for you Still you look in my face like I'm somebody new" They made good music and they still do, but because they became more mainstream and popular, some fans didn't like that (no idea why). They're saying that they're the same people they were before they were a sucess.

"All the money in the world can't buy me" They're saying that they won't become sell-outs, they'll always be about the music and not about the money.

"You're full of SHIT You had a dream, but this ain't it" Again, he's saying that the people in the mainstream music scene started out with a dream of just being good musicians, but now they only care about money.

So yeah, I think the song is about the music industry and how MOST mainstream musicians are nothing but sell-outs and don't give a shit about the music.

Some things I forgot to mention.

"Everbody's so infatuated Everbody's so completely sure of what we are" People think they know Slipknot, when they don't. No one does.

"Everbody defamates from miles away But face to face, they haven't got a thing to say" There are these Slipknot hates that say their fans are fat emo teens and that the band are a bunch of fags, but if they actually met Slipknot they wouldn't say shit.

If you 555 then I'm 666 (555 is the Hollywood phone number that everyone uses in movies so it's represents the Hollywood pop snobs

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Okay,fuck you all. Seriously everyone, you are all god damn dumb fucks. Everytime I look at thes site I see people fucking arugueing about that slipknots the fucking shit and slipknot is fucking shit. Their not one or the other, you people arent fucking realizing that human beings have opinions and they can only control themselves "So just listen to better shit fellaz."-DSGB Your a dumb shit.Just because you think slipknot sucks(im not ridiculeing your opinion by the way)doesnt mean it is. YOU think slipknot sucks. You think Shadow Falls is good or whatever..but people are going to critizise them too. To some poeple they suck ass! Personally Ive never heard of them..but thats not the point,your stating that your opinion is the right one, and its fucking not. NO opinion is true, you cant bitch at people for stating their opinion and demand that they listen to something else.And about the whole goth thing kid..EAT ME.I think you dont understand that people can dress how the want to and act how they want to.I think that putting words into peoples mouths is shit.Fuck you, you sick bastard. And yall who say Slipknot is the "best band in the world", To YOU they are the best band in the world, not to other people.Duh? People think that this is great, people think that this sucks. Its going to happen, you are going to have to deal with it.You pathetic shits think that some inmature dribble coming out of your god damn mouths is going to change peoples minds?Your wasting the limited time of your pathetic lives argueing about a band.You dont have to listen to it, You dont have to look at people wearing their shirts. YOU DONT HAVE TO LOOK AT IT YOU DIPSHIT!!You can be a god damn dumb shit..and waste your time argueing over this band, or you can ignore it and never hear about it ever again.Its not that hard you fools.State your opinion, but dont say it the right one and the others are wrong.Dont say that others should listen to better music.You dont even know what real talent is.You dont know for sure of anything.

For the record, this site is meant for discussion about the meaning of songs and comments about the meanings, not about what sucks and is the best, not about saying a certain group is wrong for what they do, belive in , or how they look.This site is not meant for saying that your right and your wrong. I fucking pity you simple minded shits.Fuck you all.

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first of all, all the assholes who don't like Slipknot, and want to comment here CAME TO THE WRONG FUCKING PLACE. gtfo.

now, let's discuss the lyrics the sole thing about 666, is a parody of the ignorant people who think in a way: "people wearing black clothes worship the Satan"..

it's like a message to the world meaning he wants to be different, and at the point where people start having prejudice, he won't try to explain himself, but push the ignorant assholes further into their distorted world

pardon me for my english.

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craig jones is a christian

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slipknot is amazing in the fact that they can take one thing and turn it into another.......saying if ur 555 im 666 doesnt mean they are satanists its just saying......hey fuck u and ur opinions, if ur one way then im gonna be the opposite. IM NOT LIKE YOU! thats what i think ~heather~

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i think this songs meaning is about how for an example. a kid moves to a new school and he doesnt like sports and everyone there does like sports and its kind of a small school so the teachers and the students there all try to change him into liking sports but he doesnt want to change because he likes who he is but they keep on trying to change him. so the kid would refer to himself as "666" and everyone else "555" which means he is and always will be different than them and they need to leave him alone because people have a right to be who they are and be happy. thats what i refer to this songs meaning.

Song Meaning
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and also the band "the devil wears prada" like slipknot alot and they are 100% christian and christians dont listen to satanic music. slipknot are just making the 555 and the 666 thing so they can compare themselves as big differences to the people that try to change them or judge them for some reason. and trying to tell them that they dont hav a right to judge them or they dont have to change cuz its not their job to impress anyone and saying that they are actually better than them because they arnt judging anyone and they are letting people be who they want to be cuz anyone can be what and who they wanna be and be happy with themselves cuz no one has the right to judge only god does. and also they HAVE said that they ARE NOT SATANIC mkay.

My Opinion

@missmayifan I love how you speak for all Christians. I'm sure some listen to Satanic music quite a lot.

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i agree. I'm a Christian but metal is my life. and people prejudge every heavy band like their all gifts from the devil or somethin. just because a band wears mask and plays loud doesnt make them bad people! their simply expressing the feelings that every single one of us feel every day. and thats what makes Slipknot so unique, they make you think outside the box with their lyrics. sure they could just come out and say "hey we're not Satanist" in their song, but they use the stupidity of others to not only make a bad ass song but to also send a message. "if your 555 then im 666" simply expresses the way that the media labels them because their one way which is careful and politically correct "555" and they think of slipknot as total thugs "666"

My Opinion

@twillie - Even if they were Satanists, that wouldn't make them bad. Being atheists wouldn't make them bad. The underlying thought here is that Christians don't get to own "goodness". The fact that so many of them think they do should make clear one reason I hate Christianity and so many Christians.

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Wow. Never realized how many Slipknot fans can't spell. It's almost comical ????oh, and actual Slipknot fan here. And this song is fun. Yup. It sure is ????

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This is a song against soulless, dickless shit music. It's about overproduced shitbands.

Well then, I'm going to have to assume you mean Kabbage Boy.

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