Dropkick Murphys – Finnegan's Wake Lyrics
| 22 years ago
this, like many Dropkick songs, is a version of an old Celtic song. Rocky Road to Dublin, The Wild Rover, The Fighting 69th, Amazing Grace, Cadence to Arms and Skinhead on the MBTA are all traditional songs redone by Dropkick. |
Misfits – Fiend Club Lyrics
| 22 years ago
its just evil all of the time... love this song, it has that great rock out, anthem quality to it. can just scream out the words when you listen to it over and over. |
Swingin' Utters – As You Start Leaving Lyrics
| 22 years ago
a great winter party song. makes me want there to be a foot of snow on the ground, get all bundled up, grab a bottle of whisky and go screw around in some random city all night with the rest of the comedy team from hell. |
Flogging Molly – Salty Dog Lyrics
| 22 years ago
great song by a great band, made all the better because it is about pirates. if you like these guys, you should check out Real Mckenzies. they have more of a drunken scottish sound with way more pipes, which i like more than Molly's more traditional irish sound. |
Led Zeppelin – Immigrant Song Lyrics
| 22 years ago
there are hot springs all over. Japan, Colorado, and Oregon all have nice ones that i have been to. and the Vikings were not from Iceland, they were from Norway, Finland and other nearby areas. they eventually made some settlements in Iceland, but they were "from" further east of Iceland. pretty much everything in the song points to it being about invading the british isles. |
NOFX – Kill All the White Men Lyrics
| 22 years ago
it's not about "how white people are the people who fuck up society", it's about getting rid of social and racial stereotypes. just as in several other NOFX songs, they are saying here that they aren`t "white", and that people who buy into social and racial sterotypes, such as fatwrecks, are generally horrible people. |
NOFX – Kill All the White Men Lyrics
| 22 years ago
what a great song. both parts are badass, the reggae sounding first half, and the total rock-out second half. always makes me laugh. |
Lagwagon – Know It All Lyrics
| 22 years ago
i am so glad this song was written. people who bitch about "their" band "selling out" then they sell out on them by not liking them anymore are some of the most irritating and irrational people ever. what most people call "selling out" kicks ass. |
Pink Floyd – Goodbye Blue Sky Lyrics
| 22 years ago
yes, the wall is not specifically about WWII, but that is the central theme of this song. it's about the war in a broad general way, but is about the war as it relates to Pink and his life, and his experiences with the war and what it took from him. |
Everlast – What It's Like Lyrics
| 22 years ago
this is a good song, sort of makes me think of Pink Floyd's "On the Turning Away" because of the two songs similar subject matter.
Everlast – Whitey's Revenge Lyrics
| 22 years ago
a few more songs like this i think Eminem should have enough fodder to fill a whole album with nothing but raps about 'fake MC's' and people dissing him...
oh, wait, he already does that with all his albums... |
The Doors – Peace Frog Lyrics
| 22 years ago
i think Jim would roll over in his bathtub if he knew about the cheesy "Peace Frog" line of clothing that's out there now. |
Enya – Pax Deorum Lyrics
| 22 years ago
parts of the lyrics are Irish Gaelic (which unfurtunatly i don`t know well enough to translate) but the title is latin and means "Peace of the Gods". i think that must be an allusion to the ancient roman form of worship, where the point of religion was to gain the favor or the 'peace' of the gods.
Led Zeppelin – Bron-Y-Aur Stomp Lyrics
| 22 years ago
a "blue eyed merle" is a breed of dog, something like a collie, i believe. and although i don`t know this for sure,
i think that "There ain't no old Shep gonna happen again" may mean that Plant may have once had a sheep dog that the dog in this song didn`t like much, and Plant is telling him that he won`t do that to him again. but that is just speculation.
Led Zeppelin – Kashmir Lyrics
| 22 years ago
another thing that goes to show that the song was written about experiences in North Africa, especially Morocco, is the line that says "With no provision but an open face, along the straits of fear" where the 'Straits of Fear' are a reference to the Strait of Gibraltar, which is the area that separates Morocco from Spain and connects the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. |
Led Zeppelin – Bron-Y-Aur Stomp Lyrics
| 22 years ago
the title is in Welsh, is pronounced 'Bron-Yar', and means "Breast of Gold". part of the credits on Led Zeppelin III read "Credit must be given to BRON-Y-AUR, a small derelict cottage in South Snowdonia for painting a somewhat forgotten picture of true completeness which acted as an incentive to some of these musical statements." |
Led Zeppelin – D'yer Mak'er Lyrics
| 22 years ago
the title comes from a joke that goes something like this...
"first man: 'my wife and i just got back from a week on an island in the Caribbean.'
second man: 'Jamaica?'
first man: 'no, she wanted to go.' "
like many other songs by Led Zeppelin, the title really has nothing to do with the lyrics, but the title sort of comes from the sound of the song, which is sort of a Zeppelinized pseudo-Reggae sound. |
Pink Floyd – Goodbye Blue Sky Lyrics
| 22 years ago
"When the promise of a brave new world Unfurled beneath a clear blue sky" is an allusion to "1984" a book where perfection and utopia is sought by totalitarian control and population control, ect. this of course is much the same as Hitler's Nazi Germany. Hitler was promising his people a "brave new world" "beneath a clear blue sky" and freedom from the burdens they were given following WWI. so "When the promise of a brave new world Unfurled beneath a clear blue sky" isn`t meant to instill hope, but actually has very scary connotations. read "1984". scary stuff. |
Led Zeppelin – Sick Again Lyrics
| 22 years ago
this is sort of the same subject matter as "what is and what should never be". seems like he had a thing for the groupie teen chicks that must have always been around him, but based on the lyrics of these songs, must have kept that thing as a fantasy and not let it actually happen. |
Led Zeppelin – Boogie with Stu Lyrics
| 22 years ago
anyone who says that Led Zeppelin's songs all sound the same or are about the same things need to listen to the album this song is on (Physical Graffiti). all of the 15 tracks are great and unique but still definitly Zeppelin. this song has that rockin' boogie sound, "In My Time Of Dying" is a classic slow blues song, and "Kashmir" has that totally original Moroccan / mediterrainian / desert / drifter sound to it. i think this album is what really helped set them apart from Black Sabbath and the Rolling Stones and other similar bands of the day; III and IV probably had more popular singles and hits, but this one brings out all their talents and musical tastes and brings them together in one ecclectic album. |
Eagles – Take It Easy Lyrics
| 22 years ago
have to say, i also have a thing for girls in flatbed Fords that won`t blow your cover. |
Ozzy Osbourne – Mr. Crowley Lyrics
| 22 years ago
Aleister Crowley was born in 1875... why would they have scattered the afterbirth if his birthmark looked like a swastika? the swastika symbol was not 'evil' until it was associated with nazi germany in the early 1930's. before then, it was around in many cultures, including the Sioux Indians, where it was a symbol of peace. in 1875 it certainly didn`t have the associations it has now, so that doesn`t make alot of sense. |
Led Zeppelin – Wearing and Tearing Lyrics
| 22 years ago
this song was aimed at the growing punk culture that saw hating Led Zeppelin as essential to their punk image. the song actually has sort of a Zeppelinized punk feel to it. it was the last song on the band's last album, CODA, an album that they actually considered releasing under an assumed name to prevent the punk influence from hurting sales. i think the song is basically saying that they (zeppelin's members) saw themselves as being mentally little different from the punks that hated them so much, and that they didn`t understand the hate they were shown by punk bands and their followers. |
Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven Lyrics
| 22 years ago
aaaaand another thing...
there is a reason that this song was never released as a single. it wasn`t just a plot to get everyone to buy the whole album so the band could make more money, it was to get people to LISTEN to the whole album and thus have a little more understanding about the band and the songs. there is a reason this song is sandwiched between "the Battle of Evermore" and "Misty Mountain Hop" on Zeppelin IV (or Symbols, or Untitled or whatever you want to call their 4th album). the album art is also there for a reason. from the cover art of an old man hauling wood to inside art with "the Hermit", the art lends itself to the overall feel of the whole album. Led Zeppelin IV. go buy it if you want to understand this better.
oh, and no one in the band was satanic or anything else of that nature like many people like to say; some members were interested in the occult, but that is a far cry from satanism or atheism. |
Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven Lyrics
| 22 years ago
there are no songs by Led Zeppeling that are exclusively ABOUT Lord of the Rings or any of Tolkien's work, but "Ramble On", "Misty Mountain Hop", "No Quarter", "Stairway To Heaven", "Battle of Evermore", and "Over the Hills and Far Away" are all Zeppelin songs that have allusions to Tolkien. the Tolkien allusions are but one ingredient in the soup of themes that make up many Zeppelin songs. Zeppelin also takes from various things in the occult (magic, tarot cards, etc..), personal experiences, history of Scotland, Wales and the rest of the U.K., C.S. Lewis, WW II, American and British Folklore, and innumerable other experiences. and thinkitbeit is right, this song can be about anything IF you try hard enough, but that certainly doesn`t mean that is the true meaning or original basis for the song. few if any songs are really meant to "mean whatever you want it to mean, man", but people always seem to want to stretch and mold songs written by others to mean something different to them, but that doesn`t make it right. |
Electric Light Orchestra – Showdown Lyrics
| 22 years ago
whenever i hear this song i can`t help but think of Bill Murray's hair in the bowling showdown scene in Kingpin. good song, it went well in that scene. |
Pink Floyd – Learning to Fly Lyrics
| 22 years ago
what is so amazing about this song to me is that it sort of makes you feel like you are flying. the ups and downs in the melody and in the vocal track just seem to sweep and soar. love it. |
Pink Floyd – Grantchester Meadows Lyrics
| 22 years ago
the lyrics of this song make me think of the lazy days of summer, walking through a park and just enjoying life. this is one of the better tracks off of one of their better and much more eccentric albums, Ummagumma. |
Eminem – Marshall Mathers Lyrics
| 22 years ago
yeah, the ICP slamming is great; it's what made me like Eminem in the first place. ICP sucks a bag of dick. |
Led Zeppelin – When the Levee Breaks Lyrics
| 22 years ago
ledzepp115 is pretty accurate, but there is more to it. after the american civil war, many former slaves moved to the fertile land surrounding the Mississippi River to rebuild their lives as farmers. alot of little shanty towns sprung up on the banks of the Mississippi, and it became necessary to build a Levee to protect them. it was in these towns that blues music was born. in 1913 the river flooded and destroyed the levee and the shanty towns with it. following the flood, most of the former inhabitants of these towns moved either north to Chicago (this is mentioned in the song) or south to New Orleans, which is why these cities later produced so many incredible bluesmen who were an inspiration to Led Zeppelin. |
Led Zeppelin – Poor Tom Lyrics
| 22 years ago
being the seventh son would mean that Tom would have little or no inheritance, but in many cultures being the seventh son gave you somewhat mystical powers to compensate for being poor. here the 7th son has the power to know everything, and thus knows that his wife is whoring herself out when he is gone, and ends up killing her for it. so in a way, a misfortune gives way to a blessing which gives way to a curse. |
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