The Dope Show Lyrics
We love in vain narcissistic and so shallow
The cops and queers to swim you have to swallow
Hate today, no love for tomorrow
We're all stars now in the dope show
That want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty ones
Will leave you low and blow your mind
We're all stars now in the dope show
When you're not then they love another
We love your face
We'd really like to sell you
The cops and queers make good-looking models
I hate today
Who will I wake up with tomorrow?
That want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty ones
Will leave you low and blow your mind
When you're not then they love another
That want to get you high
But all the pretty, pretty ones
Will leave you low and blow your mind, blow your mind
We're all stars now in the dope show

Easy song to understand. It's like this.....get to Hollywood, do what your told, be a star for a day and become garbage tomorrow. As long as your Hollywood ass is pushing the envelope for the bosses you serve then you can stay and play but sooner or later they'll find another sucker who will go for more, push the envelope harder and sell themselves out for that fame just as quickly as the last and the old will be nonchalantly replaced with the new. Here's the big and most interesting part tho, while your favorite star just sucked a satanic dick for fame and caught the covers, its the shallow masses that follow and cling to that shameless sellout dick blowing idol, imitating and adoring that idol, making the masses the lowest form of little shit puppets who follow shamelessness from 3rd party sources and help the shit grow, Hence, "We're all in the dope show". As long as you follow a star and the shit they feed you, you're following the shit they've been fed from their masters to harvest little human shit bags who are shallow enough to take the bait and follow its corrupted cultural indoctrination operating from the lower depths of hell and help cultivate it. All of us are followers and suckers in the dope show

The song is a statement about the altering of news by the mass media. "The Dope Show", rather than directly referring to drug usage in general, is the show of what the media presents to the world; however, that which is shown is not the trust, but rather, a "doped-up" version of the truth, hence "The Dope Show". This is presented directly in "They love you when you're on all the covers...When you're not then they love another", and still implied by most all else. The video is even more instrumental in expressing this idea, in that Manson is changed from a sexless, formless being into that which the media would like him to be (the semblance of a pop star). Since the whole pop star irony is a central theme to Mechanical Animals (the album title), I'm fairly certain that I'm correct.

I myself follow that idea and that it's all about, "What's the hottest new thing?" Could be how the music industry tries to mold you into to what they want you to be so they could get money off of you, and then just throw you away when they don't need you anymore, hence the line, "They love you when you're on all the covers, when you're not then they love another."

The media today wants everything to be perfect with the world, but it's not, so they try and make the models and the actresses as flawless as possible reguardless of the harm to them or the psyche of the people they're presented to. More people should really start standing up and saying "I am who I am, and if you don't like it, bite me."

We're in the sleep show. They drug is with hypnosis, feed us mental garbage that we love to eat because its sweet on the outside but we rarely see the poison on the inside. Our condition from this hypnosis is that "we love in vain, narcissistic and so shallow" which means we are totally effected by the dope show and now a part of it wandering aimlessly to the beat of ever-changing, toxic, self centered and self seeking egotistical formless fads. Hate today, no love for tomorrow, describes a perfect relation to the "formless, chaotic" evil wheel that never stops spinning. The narcissistic need for the constant supply of what feeds their egocentricity and their desperate reliance and faith in popular culture cause the dope show to persist. There's no love in the endless dope show, we just constantly consume and replace while everyone's being bought and sold in the trance dance, hypnotized to the beat of evils drum. We're all stars the dope show

A dope show used to be a traveling freakshow or something of the like. It could mean that stars today are paraded around like freaks on TV, and we just have to know all about their personal life. And "To swim you have to swollow," abviously refers to a sexual act (I think you can guess which one) and how people get what they want by pleasing others, sexual or not.

i think this song is about sex and drugs. thats pretty much what the cd is about..... i cnat beleive there is more peaple saying what they think of this song

To swim you have to swallow One cannot survive in society without it influencing who they are and having it become a part of them. Those who come out on top in society find over and over the worthlessness of their ability to manipulate one another. Those who use are used.

This song is so bad ass, i dont know too much of the meaning, im always hi when i listen to it, but im with manson, fuck god, hes a dick that needs to die

Mr. Manson has a lot of song's that match up with Jonathan Davis's words. It is about being the media and recording industry's prostitute.