Kopfschuss Lyrics

great song, wish i knew what it meant though...
"It is written in the German constitution: The death sentence is abolished.
"It is written in the German constitution: The death sentence is abolished.
But sometimes this change, is just ignored.
But sometimes this change, is just ignored.
The security of the German state must be preserved by any means.
The security of the German state must be preserved by any means.
People are always happy to reuse some 60 years old law.
People are always happy to reuse some 60 years old law.
What before the Gestapo were, that is today the BKA. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Criminal_Police_Office_(Germany))
What before the Gestapo were, that is today the BKA. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Criminal_Police_Office_(Germany))
Before you just hanged man, and today: There is the GSG 9 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GSG_9)
Before you just hanged man, and today: There is the GSG 9 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GSG_9)
That was not suicide, that was murder!
That was not suicide, that was murder!
You lied from the first word.
You lied from the first word.
That was a rotten, coward...
That was a rotten, coward murder!
You can't say a single word.
No more a single word.
If the government is in panic, nobody cares about morality.
The law is abolished and the human right also.
Police is a state in the state, ruling as they want
The enemies of the state are getting localized and destroyed.
... missing ... (I am lazy.)
Fuck you - Muders!
Never again - Murder!

alright... this song is about how the state "erases" the people they don't want...(anarchists,communists...) . "kopfschuss" means "headshot"... i'm too lazy to translate the whole song but i'll translate the chorus: "headshot - this was no suicide, this was murder. headshot - you've been lying since the first word. headshot - it was a terrible, the opposite of brave(...sorry i don't know the english word right now) murder. headshot - and i don't believe a single word you're saying." i hope this helps a little bit and i hope my english was not too bad!

alright... this song is about how the state "erases" the people they don't want...(anarchists,communists...) . "kopfschuss" means "headshot"... i'm too lazy to translate the whole song but i'll translate the chorus: "headshot - this was no suicide, this was murder. headshot - you've been lying since the first word. headshot - it was a terrible, the opposite of brave(...sorry i don't know the english word right now) murder. headshot - and i don't believe a single word you're saying." i hope this helps a little bit and i hope my english was not too bad!

The song is esp about Wolfgang Grams, who got killed by german elite cops at the train station in Bad Kleinen (if u have the cd, theres a picture of a skull on rails).
"Two policemen walked up to Grams, who was lying motionless. One bent over and shot him several times from close up. Then the second officer shot at Grams, but more at his stomach and legs. He shot several times."
(taken from wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Grams )