28 Meanings
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The Hardest Thing Lyrics

We both know that I shouldn't be here
This is wrong
And baby it's killing me, it's killing you
Both of us tryin' to be strong
I've got somewhere else to be
Promises to keep
Someone else who loves me
And trusts me fast asleep
I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that

It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to do
To look you in the eye and tell you I don't love you
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to lie
To show no emotion when you start to cry
I can't let you see what you mean to me
When my hands are tied
And my heart's not free
We're not meant to be
It's the hardest thing I'll ever have to do
To turn around and walk away pretending I don't love you

I know that we'll meet again
Fate has a place and time
So you can get on with your life
I've got to be cruel to be kind
Like Dr. Zhivago
All my love I'll be sending
And you will never know
'Cause there can be no happy ending


Maybe another time, another day
As much as I want to, I can't stay
I've made up my mind
There is no turning back
She's been good to me
And she deserves better than that

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28 Meanings

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Cover art for The Hardest Thing lyrics by 98 Degrees

To me, this song is about someone from the past coming back into your life. Somebody you deeply truly madly cared about. However, this person left your life and you moved on after years and now are in a committed relationship. Someone who has been nothing but good to you. So this person comes back into your life and you are torn between feelings of whats right and wrong. However, you made a commitment to the new relationship, and have enough strength within yourself to know that it wasn't meant to be with the old one. But its just a hard decision to face as you are torn between emotions. As it could really go either way, but you make the decision to be faithful to the relationship you're in now.

@b3lla2988 my thoughts exactly! It's a person that he has probably never truly gotten over. When she comes back into his life, he has a new girl and as much as he loves the girl from his past, he's not willing to leave her. Fate has a funny way of stepping in and who knows what life has in store for them.

Cover art for The Hardest Thing lyrics by 98 Degrees

I see it as the guy being MARRIED but he unexpectedly falls in love with someone else. But still loving his wife and wanting to keep that commitment he knows he has to "lie" to the other girl, telling her he doesn't love her...so she can get on with her life. I think the "maybe another time, another day" means if they had met at a different time and place in thieir lives, they could be together. But he has someone waiting for him at home who trusts him to be the man he promised her he would be. Its basically the same theory as the above posts but I always pictured a marriage involved, that's why he doesnt wind up being with the new girl. Because he cant just ditch his marriage. (although some guys wouldn't care if they were married or not) But I think he knows there's no good reason to leave his wife other than bad timing.

Cover art for The Hardest Thing lyrics by 98 Degrees

i personally like the chorus. my best friend is in love with another guy, but doesn't know i love her. im such a wuss. i saw her through 3 guys i know, but i fell into the friend zone.

anyway, i don't want to destroy our friendship. she's had countless instances with destroyed friendships because of dating and such. therefore, this chorus is something like what i would say to her, if that time came. i don't want to risk our friendship.

"it's the hardest thing i'll ever have to do; to turn around and walk away pretending i don't love you."

love is a choice, not a butterfly feeling, and that's how i choose to love her.

Cover art for The Hardest Thing lyrics by 98 Degrees

I think you guys have got it all wrong. The girl he's talking to is not a "new girl" but an ex that he still has feelings for.

The song is about a guy whose ex-girlfriend comes back, wanting to get back together with him. The guy still loves her and wants to get back with her, but he's already in a relationship with somebody new who trusts him completely and has "been good to" him.

He wants to tell his ex what she means to him and that he still loves her and that he wants a new beginning with her, but he can't because his "hands are tired" and his "heart's not free" due to his new relationship with the trusting girl who has never done him wrong. So instead, he doesn't say anything when his ex cries, and he lies and tells her that he doesn't love her. He figures that fate will bring them together again when the circumstances are different, and then he might be given the opportunity to show her freely how much she means to him.

The song is bittersweet.

Cover art for The Hardest Thing lyrics by 98 Degrees

My take on it is this, becuase I'm actually in this situation. The guy (myself) is in a lasting relationship with someone who he has promised to love forever and everything (longtime girlfriend, fiance, possibly wife). Love (true love that is) just happens though, and he has met his real 'soul mate.' But he can't leave his present girlfriend or anything - he possibly (in my opinion, i don't think he has cause i haven't) had that affair yet, but does love his soulmate. He is telling this girl that he has fallen for head over heals that he does not love her and does not want to be with her becuase he has already made a commitment to someone that doesn't deserve to be hurt. X is my longtime girlfriend, but recently, that magic has been lacking, and during a hard time, i fell in love with Y, who has been my friend for longer than I've known X. I've always loved Y, but just never realized it until recently. X doesn't deserve to be hurt though, so I'm putting aside my own possible happiness to keep her happy. As the song says, another time, another place, maybe another lifetime it would be different. In the end, he (and I) are left telling the girl that we really love goodbye, knowing we will always love her and hoping that fate will eventually bring us together.

Cover art for The Hardest Thing lyrics by 98 Degrees

i have no clue..

Cover art for The Hardest Thing lyrics by 98 Degrees

okay, i'm not ENTIRELY sure, but i definitely get that this guy realizes that he has to break up with a girl even though he really loves her.... what his reasons are? I have no clue, but guys are too hard for me to figure out anyway...

Cover art for The Hardest Thing lyrics by 98 Degrees

there's 2 women in his life, and he's telling the one that hes with that he needs to end whatever is between them. the other woman (not there at the time) loves him and trusts him, and he feels bad bc hes not being honest with her. prolly my fav song of theirs, but kinda retarded bc i dont see how you can love 2 people the same amount, lovey dovey crap makes me sick, so i guess i dunno. but in the song he made the right choise.

Cover art for The Hardest Thing lyrics by 98 Degrees

the song is about this guy who is cheatin on his gf and he knows its wrong btu while hes been cheatin on his gf hes devolped feelings for another girl so hes breakin up with this other girl cause his gf trusts him and he doesnt think its right to etiher of them to cheat so he has to be cruel to be kind

yes! so i'm not crazy - this is what this song actually means -- not so sure i like content but still for some reason one of my favorite songs of theirs ll

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Cover art for The Hardest Thing lyrics by 98 Degrees

Well I don't think he LOVE loves both of them. On one hand he has the faithful trusting girlfriend. I'm sure he loved her at some point, but I think he's started to feel it's just not the Fireworks kind of love anymore. So there's the OTHER girl, he's been seeing her, and has probably fallen in love with her, but he realizes that his girlfriend has always been there for him, and is a good person, and she doesn't deserve to be cheated on, so he makes the decision to stop cheating on her, and leave the new girl even though he loves her.