28 Meanings
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Ugly Lyrics

all the world loves things of beauty and intrigue
these two things i've never had one
born in this old skin. i'm to sick i can't win
i've lived with this damage too long.
my eyes can't behold it, i cannot control this
this feeling that's left in my heart
i've never done no wrong, i don't deserve these bones
please burn up this sin when i'm gone

and i said that this is ugly to me
the world is ugly to me
you are ugly to me
and i am ugly to me

i haven't become all i want to be
i haven't become anything i need to be
i haven't become all i want to be (suffocate with me)
i haven't become anything i need to be

why can't you look, why can't you look at me
see what i see
why can't you feel, why can't you feel like me
feel what i feel
why can't you hurt, why can't you hurt like me
taste the pain i feel
why must i die, why must i die for you
when it's the ugly truth

well it's ugly
it's making me painless

why can't you look, why can't you look at me
see what i see
why can't you feel, why can't you feel like me
feel what i feel
why can't you hurt, why can't you hurt like me
taste the pain i feel
why must i die, why must i die for you
when it's the ugly truth

well it's ugly
Song Info
Submitted by
sean On May 02, 2001
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28 Meanings

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Cover art for Ugly lyrics by Cold

Ugly is an amazing song about the outlook on life. Someone feeling so ugly that the world is ugly, that everyone is ugly. Not literally but figuratively. Just a disgust in someone's heart that makes everything grey. It talks about how the world loves all the beauty and intrigue, when that becomes all it loves, it becomes ugly, and boring. It also talks about his personal insecurities. He feels alone "why cant you see what I see?" "why cant you feel what i feel?" "why cant you hurt like me? Taste the pain I feel?" like hes the only one with problems, just like we all do. Beautiful song.

Cover art for Ugly lyrics by Cold

I totally agree with Rocknrollwhore. This song is about feeling insecure and all alone in the world. I love this song. Totally describes me so I keep it on repeat for hours. Greatness!

Cover art for Ugly lyrics by Cold

"When i was younger and doing alot of drugs, I felt bad inside, and I felt ugly... so I wrote that song cause I felt like a total piece of shit. I was about 23 or 24 when I wrote that." Scooter wrote it at a time when the band was broken up and he had been diagnosed with an illness. He locked himself in an apartment and wrote a couple of acoustic songs while he was in Atlanta, Georgia.

from coldinside.com

Cover art for Ugly lyrics by Cold

I love these lyrics.

Cover art for Ugly lyrics by Cold

this is my faviort cold song

Cover art for Ugly lyrics by Cold

Absolutely love this song. Used to relate to it real well. Almost wanted to cry when I first heard it. The best Cold song ever written. Theyre a great band, but in my opinion they'll never write as good as this again...

Cover art for Ugly lyrics by Cold

I'm never any good at understanding the "messages" in songs... but this is one of my favourite songs on self-titled so... (For me) I think it's the whole "I don't belong" thing... sort of... It's hating the world, because we all strive for beauty and charm and perfection, and we can't always have it. We see ourselves as ugly, making the world appear ugly, too... We all strive for something better -- we all want to change ourselves so we can be more accepted, and it's more than hard to change. In reality, we don't need to change.

"Why can't you look..." Basically... Why do I feel so much pain because of you... always trying to meet expectations that aren't... possible... You try to appear beautiful to the world, but you only become more ugly and disgusted with yourself. The truth is ugly -- you've become ugly because your beauty wasn't enough to satisfy the...ugly world... But your beauty was more than enough to become everything...

I guess, I'd say, beauty comes from pain... and this song obviously shows that... His pain brought out a beautiful song...

Yeah, that sounded stupid.

@ANdyoucared That didn't sound stupid, that was right on the money.

Cover art for Ugly lyrics by Cold

"all the world loves things of beauty and intrigue these two things i've never had one"

Great Line. Very True Indeed.

Cover art for Ugly lyrics by Cold

I cant' believe this was once THE song my boyfriend related to. Whenever I hear it I start to cry and feel sorry that he had to feel this pain and that the world keeps on threating people this way... No one should feel ugly, only the ones that blame others for being ugly, are the ones that really are

Cover art for Ugly lyrics by Cold

This is a real good song, it's one of my favorites on that CD.