34 Meanings
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Why Lyrics

How many times do I have to try to tell you
That I'm sorry for the things I've done
But when I start to try to tell you
That's when you have to tell me
Hey, this kind of trouble's only just begun
I tell myself too many times
Why don't you ever learn to keep your big mouth shut
That's why it hurts so bad to hear the words
That keep on falling from your mouth
Falling from your mouth
Falling from your mouth
Tell me...
I may be mad
I may be blind
I may be viciously unkind
But I can still read what you're thinking
And I've heard it said too many times
That you'd be better off
Why can't you see this boat is sinking
Let's go down to the water's edge
And we can cast away those doubts
Some things are better left unsaid
But they still turn me inside out
Turning inside out turning inside out
Tell me...
Tell me...
This is the book I never read
These are the words I never said
This is the path I'll never tread
These are the dreams I'll dream instead
This is the joy that's seldom spread
These are the tears...
The tears we shed
This is the fear
This is the dread
These are the contents of my head
And these are the years that we have spent
And this is what they represent
And this is how I feel
Do you know how I feel?
'Cause I don't think you know how I feel
I don't think you know what I feel
I don't think you know what I feel
You don't know what I feel
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34 Meanings

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Cover art for Why lyrics by Annie Lennox

this song has very special meaning to me it covers a large section of human emotion and thought -----from-- this is the book i never read ---through-- and this is what they represent---is a section of the song wich should be carfuly thought through


@meta4forasigh was the baby a girl and you named her Ann which you named Naomi\'s middle name hey that was sweet shame i walked away with my eyes closed jx

@meta4forasigh Hi Annie we are back at the start after some years just listened to 'Sous Le Vent' for the last time and i thought i would send this message for the last time. I have understood much about the past especially your emotions and how you have lived with the thought of not being able to share the 'truth' with me even now is the reason why its impossible for us to see each other. I will always have doubts as to your true emotions while you and i cannot say sorry to each other verbally and seeing your...

@meta4forasigh Annie you could not bring yourself to tell me then and you still cant now we never had a chance

Cover art for Why lyrics by Annie Lennox

Here is my intepretation:

The song is about someone who cheated on someone else ("How many times do I have to try to tell you That I'm sorry for the things I've done "/"I may be viciously unkind").

They feel really bad and they aren't truly a bad person but they just got screwed up. They feel that the other person may be too good for them ("And I've heard it said too many times That you'd be better off ") so they got scared.

She/He tries to apologize but the other person doesn't want to forgive right away. Instead they just say thinks to hurt the other person ("But when I start to try to tell you That's when you have to tell me Hey, this kind of trouble's only just begun"/"Some things are better left unsaid But they still turn me inside out ").

The song in the point of view of the adulterer to show that they are human and have feelings even though they hurt the other.

Cover art for Why lyrics by Annie Lennox

Annie Lennox said "This song expresses some of the frustrations in certain situations in my life"

Cover art for Why lyrics by Annie Lennox

This song represents to me my relationship with my mother, as fucked up as that seems.

@lilybart almost 20 years later in response to your comment, but I completely understand and feel the exact sentiment about my relationship with my mother. I just sent it to her in fact. We haven’t spoken in a few months after a fight.

Cover art for Why lyrics by Annie Lennox

Of course when an artist conceives an idea, lyrics, and finally messes with melody..it means something to them, but also can mean whatever we want it to for ourselves...that is the beauty in art! For me it is my intense, ongoing emotional relationship with someone that, for years ,either needs fruition or closure..but we are too afraid to move in either direction.
.......This is the book I never read These are the words I never said This is the path I'll never tread These are the dreams I'll dream instead This is the joy that's seldom spread These are the tears... The tears we shed This is the fear This is the dread These are the contents of my head And these are the years that we have spent And this is what they represent And this is how I feel Do you know how I feel 'cause i don't think you know how I feel I don't think you know what I feel I don't think you know what I feel You don't know what I feel

@ShannyH Hi is this you Annie I have sent you messages to your other inbox "meta4forasigh" John K

@ShannyH im sorry why do you think we have an intense emotional relationship thats carried on all these years is pure fantasy and is only from your side as i see it factually it was two teenagers who had fallen in love and a situation on your side came up and you could not say anything to him but arranged a secretive way forward which was mistakenly understood as you having a new boyfiend which you never refuted so i walked away which was a natural response so from my side it was simple from yours well you did have...

@ShannyH Annie the actual reason is how much you loved me and still do especially losing our baby in circumstances that happened and only now seeing the actual truth of what happened life can be so cruel sometimes especially when TRUTH cannot be told x

Cover art for Why lyrics by Annie Lennox

Ms. Lennox discusses the meaning of this very beautiful song here,


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Cover art for Why lyrics by Annie Lennox

I have been told that she wrote this song shortly after she gave birth to her stillborn baby. This is a song sung to herself, she blamed herself, she wants to forgive herself and she is trying. WHY is her really asking why she was punished like this.

@Rachy71 Hi if this is you Anne did this actually happen giving birth to a stillborn if this is you I am really sorry you had lost the baby that way. Please reply this time to confirm. JohnK

@Rachy71 Hi Annie This must be the real reason why you are unable to talk to me we were very close the other week i am truly sorry for not recognising you i still hope that one day we will be able to communicate and see each other face to face but i do believe you must overcome your fears to what happened and you must not blame yourself but unfortunately this did cause our separation not because the baby was lost but your inability to tell me which led to both our misunderstanding of each other and well the...

@Rachy71 Hi Annie just wanted to say it was very interesting meeting your daughter it was obvious another set up and it was clear you wanted me to see something and i certainly did i hsve never seen such blue eyes before it took centre stage and it was obvious why the only reality and connection we always had was 'DiAnn' which of course was the passing of our baby who is in heaven now. The baby may not actually been mine but to you that didnt matter you wanted the pregnancy to be ours so we would always have...

Cover art for Why lyrics by Annie Lennox

I totally agree with "Rachy71" the song is about her stillborn baby she had to endure but for me it is much more and it has taken nearly 5 decades for this story to come to light. I wanted to talk to the other person concerned as it is very personal and I have tried to contact her via personal messages, texts and phone calls but as of yet no response and I do know she wants to talk so I am telling the story right here. First of all I must say that I am truly sorry for not understanding her situation at that time (I was an angry young man) and of course I do accept her apologies I am so thankful she has been able to come through all the problems she has endured and seemingly been able to create a great career for herself and in some way my (no knowledge) connection during her life has helped in some way? Its very important for her to know that I dont hold any anger anymore or any judgement for what she has done and I do really hope that we will be able to talk one day and put aside all the misunderstandings that has happened (especially on my part) and I would truly love to know the thoughts she had during the time up to her first marriage and then up to the nineties and then up to date using cryptic lyrics in songs, other people to help her etc. Unfortunately I was never going to understand as I wanted my life to be with someone as in the song "Just the way you are" by Billy Joel and the 3 lines that perfectly sum up that reason is "I dont want clever conversation I never want to work that hard I just want someone that I can talk to" so the only way I was going to understand the truth was obviously when my mother died and some information she left me which started the ball rolling and on this occasion I was determined to find out what really did happen and it has taken time to dissect all the secrecy and how did I miss "Rachy71" from last year which was so key to what followed. I am going to write your/our story very soon with another comment unless you let me know beforehand that I can just share it with you and not openly on this site. Jx

Cover art for Why lyrics by Annie Lennox

God love and bless you, MY BROTHER! I love you so much!!

I can't wait for you to take him down to the water's edge.




If he only knew YOU are far beyond the worst fear on this ENTIRE earth.

I love you so much, GM. Just don't tell me any specifics. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I'd be praying for death before your wrath is unleashed. I wish I could make a joke out of that. We all know you are the devil's worst nightmare.

And you don't hide your identity behind others. You give me chills, for many different reasons.

Cover art for Why lyrics by Annie Lennox

Despite this song clearly being about relationship breakdown, annies performing of this song at Live 8 revealed a much more simple and yet poignant meaning. She is asking why is there so much conflict in the world and describes the pain conflict brings. This is undoubtedly the most empathic song ever written "Do you know how I feel? 'Cause I don't think you know how I feel I don't think you know what I feel I don't think you know what I feel You don't know what I feel " says it all.