8 Meanings
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July Lyrics

The sun fell down again last night on my anger
The sun fell down again last night on frustration
And on my spite

And I didn't even cry
I didn't even try to stop it at all
I just stood there and watched it fall

And this is the last song that I should ever sing
Just one more time and I'll shut my mouth forever
Song Info
Submitted by
noisecore On Dec 08, 2001
8 Meanings
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i wish i wrote these lyrics, ive felt this way before and wish i could have expressed it so beautifully.

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okay... the thing with Mineral is you listen and listen, and you love the song and everything. But one day, it just hits home. Totally out of the blue.

Just one day, you're mowing the lawn or reading a book or whatever and listening to some song of theirs, and it just strikes you.. oh yeah, this is what was baing said! You get a completely clear, perfect vision of Chris' soul.

July "happened" to me when I was driving. It's 3AM now, so that's why I'm just typing something so ramble-y, and I don't know if I'll even be able to express what I felt or understood in tha tmoment.

Have you ever gotten so angry at someone, without the proper reasoning behind it? And then they bite back, and that's when you realize you've been horrible to this person .. whether it be for three seconds or five hours or a whole weekend. So they're telling you how they feel, and you realize they're right, you simply recognize it as the truth... You can't cry. You can't even move.

I'm not sure if I'm right, anyone else got any ideas?

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The Everything- beautifully said.

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This is one of my all time favorite songs. Everything about this song expresses so much feeling and emotion. The words, his voice, the cresendos and decresendos. everything. wonderful.

I've felt the same way expressed in the song a few times...and I love listening to it. It's so straight forward, but yet kind of complex and more than surface deep at the same time...so awesome. He has a wonderful talent of expressing himself wonderfully through words, without having to use many. Which is what makes it so direct, and radical in my opinion.

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Not to overdue the idea of relating Mineral to Christianity, but there lyrics do reference the Bible a lot and it is necessary (relating a song lyric to its references) to understand the completeness of a song's purpose. So just to expand on this song I want to mention Ephesians 4:26b, "do not let the sun go down on your wrath." He's bitter with himself for allowing his anger, spite, or frustration to continue with someone longer than it should have. He had the opportunity to forgive them, talk to them, or confront the problem but instead he merely soaked in it watching it progress inside of himself.

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OMG this song is so awsome, i love the end where they use harmonics in the guitars they sound similar to saetia's harmonics though ANYWAYS this song is amazing it would be the best song ever if he had a high piched voice though which i made a cover song of this song

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simply cannot get better than this. this album is probably one of the best ever created.

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i adore every single song on this album, but there’s just something about this one.

My Opinion
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