And I need this more than you will ever know
People like you and me never felt the breeze
People like you and me will never know the easy way
As the words slap me in the face
I would gladly trade a lifetime of convenience
For an honest day or two
Into a perfect golden sunset
And thinking about how you sold your soul
To send the rain away
I'd really rather lay here and pretend
But people like you and me never get that peace
It comes from denying that everything is so screwed up
It's so screwed up
I swallow my pride and admit
That it's not always best to understand the reasons why
With a smile on your face
When you know you lied yourself to sleep to make it better
To make it better

Everyone seems intent on putting this song in a very specific context (addition, depression, a relationship) when the song is far more general than that. The theme is that it's basically that life is better when you're not afraid to acknowledge how fucked up things are as opposed to making yourself feel better but putting a positive spin on everything. There's nothing more to it than that.

I can't see how this is a song about a relationship. It really makes no sense that way. I'd say that the song's about how messed up the world is, that being a good person in such an ugly place sometimes just doesn't feel worth it. Honesty isn't what it used to be.

I think JeremyB1 has it right, it's about people lying to themselves to make it seem like things are okay when it's not. I can totally relate to that. Almost everyone I know is like that and the ones who didn't used to be like that seem to have become that way. Life is shit sometimes.

The end of the song is the greatest instrumental they've ever done. Especially the screeching guitars, it's so perfect.

The rawness of the production, the pure and genuine effusion, and the absolutely brilliant instrumental section at the ending, man it's just all so awesome. I find myself listening to that instrumental over and over, and it just gets better every time. The buildup to it, the chord progression, the density of the guitars and drums, and the screeching it's just so freakin amazing

distancing yourself from truth and other such inconveniences in order to be happy, even though it's ultimately no help since it isn't genuine happiness

This is by far one of my favorite songs!! This is why this song is so can mean so many things and be special to people in so many ways...wether a break up, addiction, sin, the world... It is all someones personal experience. I love the line "it's just not the same when you wake up in the morning with a smile on your face, when you know you lied yourself to sleep to make it better." How powerful!! We have ALL went to bed with different issues and tried to talk ourselves into a better situation....whatever it may be. I am just blessed to have this song and have had Mineral in my life!!!

Mineral makes the most depressing songs... everything is so raw. i love this song, and i love this band

I really like the line "It's just not the same when you're staring Into a perfect golden sunset And thinking about how you sold your soul To send the rain away" If i'm not mistaken he is referencing heaven. This whole song is filled with amazing quotes that i live my life by. Its crazy how little notoriety this song (also band) has, Mineral is the greatest piece of art i have seen.

Just beautiful. I wish I could create words as moving as his. Love this band forever