Lyric discussion by TheEverythingFalls 

okay... the thing with Mineral is you listen and listen, and you love the song and everything. But one day, it just hits home. Totally out of the blue.

Just one day, you're mowing the lawn or reading a book or whatever and listening to some song of theirs, and it just strikes you.. oh yeah, this is what was baing said! You get a completely clear, perfect vision of Chris' soul.

July "happened" to me when I was driving. It's 3AM now, so that's why I'm just typing something so ramble-y, and I don't know if I'll even be able to express what I felt or understood in tha tmoment.

Have you ever gotten so angry at someone, without the proper reasoning behind it? And then they bite back, and that's when you realize you've been horrible to this person .. whether it be for three seconds or five hours or a whole weekend. So they're telling you how they feel, and you realize they're right, you simply recognize it as the truth... You can't cry. You can't even move.

I'm not sure if I'm right, anyone else got any ideas?

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