50 Meanings
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Parking Lot Lyrics

I wouldn't mind if you took me in my sleep tonight
I wouldn't even put up a fight
I wouldn't care if you took it all away today
I'm sure I wouldn't even miss the pain

But I know I've got to live my life
And roll around on the ground and feel the strife
And realize along the way that I'm nothing more
Than a grain of salt in the salt of the earth
And everything is grace

So come on with the darkness
Come on with the fear
Cause I've got to start somewhere
And it might as well be here

When I'm finally naked and standing in the sunlight
I'll look back at all of this selfishness and foolish pride
And laugh at myself
Song Info
Submitted by
noisecore On Dec 08, 2001
50 Meanings
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ive noticed at the key to writing a good song or poem is to admit something that is sad but true about yourself... people like to know that others are wrong also.

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astonishing. this song is absolutely beautiful, i cant imagine something being more...i dont know the word for it. it's just got the perfect harmony. i think im just typing now b/c im all alone and i dont want to stop typing because then i will be alone again. right now its like im talking to everyone that reads this. if your reading this then you have too much time on your hands. love is the answer!!

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i discovered this song recently while going through some tough times and it kind of became my anthem. absolutely beautiful. it reminds me to try to remain positive, even when things seem hopeless... this too shall pass.

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best lyricist that i have seen.

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i think this song is about enduring life through an awful position/perspective. only for the sake that you have a life to live(which may very well be the only one you'll get). no matter how terrible your thoughts or hardships. all the while wishing it'll end, but not willing to take your death lying down. (maybe the motivation to live comes from/ is because of some sort of subtle masochism?)

"I wouldn't mind if you took me in my sleep tonight I wouldn't even put up a fight I wouldn't care if you took it all away today" seems complacent and ready to die, like he's really ready to throw it all away but doesnt necessarily want to go that far with it himself, though he wouldnt mind.

"I'm sure I wouldn't even miss the pain" implying most of his time spent is in terrible depression.

"But I know I've got to live my life And roll around on the ground and feel the strife And realize along the way that I'm nothing more Than a grain of salt in the salt of the eart And everything is grace" Maybe the reason he insists it must be "taken away". that he feels obligated to live through each day though it amounts to nothing more than incredible despair. refuses to give up until his time comes for sake of humility "realize along the way..." and this one shot at life is meant to be taken from us, rather than taken ourselves. "everything is grace."(after having said, basically, everything is despair)

the next two verses, say "self loathing; endure. someday soon it'll end."

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first verse........sheer brilliance!

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this whole song is brilliant. i love the last verse. chilling.

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beautiful beautiful beautiful

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I love that last part. It's exactly what i think about myself.

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