37 Meanings
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If I Could Lyrics

She stepped outside into the morning air
To watch the cars go by and let the sun dry her hair
I wanted to tell her how beautiful she was
But I just stared

I sat behind the wheel and watched the raindrops
As they gathered on the windshield
And raced down into the humming motor
And she folded up her fears like paper airplanes
And lost them in the trees

And I know I don't deserve this
The capacity to feel
To laugh and cry and to praise
For that I live and breathe and wake each day
Is nothing less than your grace
In awkward and glorious movement
Song Info
Submitted by
noisecore On Dec 08, 2001
37 Meanings
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I know no one cares, but I've had this song for a while... but I never payed attention to it until now. This will probably sound like every other mundane comment out there, but I can't find a song more meaningful than this. The steady sounds of the rhythm guitar and wailing of the lead are so perfect. I'm probably misinterpereting this song, but it makes me think of a girl I know. Our history isn't so great. I am so so in love with her & I can't explain why. I shouldn't be but I can't stop it. I want to say so many things to her, but I've seen what saying too much can do. I know I don't deserve her or anything else for that matter. I've been blessed & I can't seem to realize it. I never seem to see any of this. I always feel so awkward around her... she's so perfect. I feel like I'm so much less than her. I just wish I knew how she felt. She's so beautiful & I'm so lucky to have her... I just don't want to lose her again. Oh well...

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the last verse is one of the best i have ever heard an amazing praise of God's grace.. wow

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I hate being such a whiney little emo bitch.

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This song is abso-friggen-loutely amazing! The descriptiveness speaks volumes. I just love it...

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the descriptiveness lends to the emotion..wonderful.

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I don't usually write serious comments, but these guys were the best lyricists i've ever come across. Their songs have more meaning and depth to them than anyone else i've ever heard. And they do it without being lame and over the top.

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One of my favorite Mineral songs.

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Awesome. Fucking awesome.

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i really like these guys alot. the lyrics have so much meanings and seem to be very real.

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I love mineral soo much and this song i amazing the last verses are the best they touch u alot!

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