12 Meanings
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Still Lyrics

I am the harm that you inflict
I am your brilliance and frustration
I'm the nuclear bombs if they're to hit
I am your immaturity and your indignance
I am your misfits and your praised
I am your doubt and your conviction
I am your charity and your rape
I am your grasping and expectation

I see you averting your glances
I see you cheering on the war
I see you ignoring your children
And I love you still
And I love you still

I am your joy and your regret
I am your fury and your elation
I am your yearning and your sweat
I am your faithless and your religion

I see you altering history
I see you abusing the land
I see you and your selective amnesia
And I love you still
And I love you still

Haah... Haah... Haah... Haah...

I am your tragedy and your fortune
I am your crisis and delight
I am your profits and your prophets
I am your art - I am your bytes
I am your death and your decisions
I am your passion and your plights
I am your sickness and convalescence
I am your weapons and your light

I see you holding your grudges
I see you gunning them down
I see you silencing your sisters
And I love you still
And I love you still

I see you lie to your country
I see you forcing them out
I see you blaming each other
And I love you still
And I love you still

Haah... Haah... Haah... Haah...

Song Info
Submitted by
lamia On Dec 06, 2001
12 Meanings
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I can listen to this song over and over and over. I'm not religious, but so extremely spiritual as I cannot commit to any religion on this earth. Her words just get straight to my heart. Dogma was such a good movie and I was overjoyed at their inclusion of her playing, of all characters, the best God one could ever hope to be cast in a movie. All the things we do on this earth, to this earth, to each other.. Alanis has an indescribable way of addressing those issues. Pure genius in this song. And I cannot repeat enough, her lyrics go right to my heart and soul. And not just this song. I'm glad she's still making music.

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I have always thought that this song was mocking the concept of God. The previous posts seem to say otherwise, which is very interesting to me. I can see how people who have strong beliefs in God (clearly I am not one of them ......) would read these lyrics and see them as confirming that God loves us no matter what. To me, lyrics such as "I see you ignoring your children" and "I see you abusing the land" and even "I see you and your selective amnesia" as God being highly sarcastic - can he really forgive such behaviour so easily? I really don't think Alanis intended this to be a positive religious song, I think it was questioning how people can still believe that there is a God out there who could love us no matter what we do. I am completely willing to admit that I could be wrong about this - but when I pulled this song up on this site, I expected at least a couple of previous posts which agreed with my interpretation ..... am I completely alone in this view??

Like snowflakes, we are ALL different but NEVER completely alone! May the whisper of the Father be the one that wakes us. May the open hand of the Son be the one that raises us. May the prompting of the Spirit be the one that sends us. This day & all days & leads us safely home. In Christ Jesus name we pray. Amen & So Be It

@Grayscale you are not alone. the others, though clearly the majority, don't seem to understand alanis's wickedly dry humor one bit.. & i should know.. i was a teenage girl in the 90's (which basically makes me an expert on all things alanis) =P the way i understand it, "still" is a mockery of western religion. she begins w/the contradictions inherent in a supreme diety & continues the contradiction theme to express god's love for these ignorant, selfish, destructive, & indignant ppl. it's a lullaby for the self-righteous. alanis was raised catholic & you've only gotta listen to "forgiven" to hear her...

@Grayscale @90sHippyChick - thank you for your reply to my comment! I'm glad there is someone else out there that sees this song the way I do. :)

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The best . I feel this song .its such a pretty song.

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this song rocks the movie
DOGMA is better

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I've just recently, in the last year come to terms with God, and myself. This song is inspirational, it is melodically genius and spiritually gorgeous. I love this song.

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Truly a song about God and how unconditional his love is for us.

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one of my favorite song from alanis!!!

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it really winds me up when someone like michael jackson sticks his arms in the air, everyone slates him assuming hes trying to say hes some kind of god.... when alanis sings a song where shes BLATANTLY obviously singing AS GOD, no one bats an eyelid!

anyway, rant over. i do love this song. i can listen to it all the time. im not religious at all, but it still stirs up some kind of deep emotion inside with the power of the love...

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so is she God in this song?

on the verse: "I see you with selective amnesia", she uses this same therm in Hands Clean...

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i didn't like the song for the first time. 'cause i'm from Russia and i couldn't get the meaning of it))). but later, when i read the lyrics i've completely changed my mind. this song is awesome! and it's about God(Goddes) talking about people Her children. My favourite lines are "I see you altering history, i see you abusing the land.... Ann I LOVE you still" people are always used to think that they are the main creatures in the world, that they have rights to do anything possible with their lives and this planet... and the God (or Goddes) is looking at all this vanity and vice and fury and etc., and LOVE us still amazing...

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