People Are People Lyrics
You and I should get along so awfully
And we're different creeds
And different people have different needs
It's obvious you hate me
Though I've done nothing wrong
I never even met you
So what could I have done
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
You and I should get along so awfully
And you're shouting at me
I'm relying on your common decency
So far it hasn't surfaced
But I'm sure it exists
It just takes a while to travel
From your head to your fist
What makes a man
Hate another man

"Don't judge a Book by it's cover"
@Qsqaw agreed this song is about not just judging a book by it's cover but looking at the inside as well. Discrimination & ignorance is not what's ever necessary in society, understanding and acceptance is.
@Qsqaw agreed this song is about not just judging a book by it's cover but looking at the inside as well. Discrimination & ignorance is not what's ever necessary in society, understanding and acceptance is.

I may only be 14 but i love this music and i think it means like most people think it does. dont judge by looks but by the inside.

I don't think it lacks depth, it just puts a complex and sensitive issue-discrimination/racism in a simple way that everyone can understand and relate to. It has a positive message, I like it.

i think the reason this song is so simple is because this is a complicated issue. even though nearly everyone agrees with the message of the song, no one can seem to make this stop. racism is still strong and so is hate and this song is asking why it's so hard to stop in a simple way. also, the way this song sounds makes it sound as though it's through the eyes of a simple minded child, asking important questions that people don't ask themselves enough these days.

best lesson wrapped-up in a song ever.

This songs about racism. So we're different colours And we're different creeds It's still such a cool and relevant song. Stop stupid violence over superficial differences.

The simplicity of the song helps illustrate how simple the issue truly is-- people are humans. Why do we have prejudice? Why hate? The idea that we're all human is a simple idea, and the simplicity of the song emphasizes the simplicity of the issue.

One race, the human race, united. At least, that's what i think it's calling for. Why the hell should everyone in the world be at each other's throats for differences. We should all be looking at what we have in common.

This is a really good song.

This song is awesome because it gets its point across.