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You've Gotta Die for the Government Lyrics

You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit! (x2)

There's a gulf war vet, dying a slow cold death
And the government says, "We don't know the source of his sickness."
But don't believe what they say, because your government is lying
They've done it before and don't you know they'll do it again
A secret test, government built virus
"Subject Test Group: Gulf Battle Field Troups"

You gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit! (x2)

First World War Veterans slaughtered by General Eisnehower
You give them your life, they give you a stab in the back
Radiation, agent orange, tested on U.S. souls
Guinea pigs for Western corporations
I never have, I never will
Pledge allegiance to their flag
You're getting used, you'll end up dead

You gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit! (x2)

I don't need you to tell me what to do
And I don't need you to tell me what to be...FUCK YOU!!!!
I don't need you to tell me what to say
And I don't need you to tell me what to think! What to think!
What to think, what to think, what to think, think, think, think!

You gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?
Die for your country? That's shit! (x9)
Song Info
Scott Sturgeon, Anti-flag
Release date
Jun 06, 1996
Submitted by
alphabetical On Jul 01, 2002
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163 Meanings

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Cover art for You've Gotta Die for the Government lyrics by Anti-Flag

This is what they believe in and they make a lot of good points. You think that our government is potecting us? Take for ONE example, the september 11th attacks, we have PROOF that the president knew that the Al-Quida (sp) were going to do something with hijacking planes last year . They also had arrested a man affiliated with their organization before the attacks and if they had done a wee better job they would have discovered he had numbers of all the main leaders of them and plans of the september 11th attacks. Also, news flash, the majority of the rest of the world despises us! we invade all their countries forcing our beliefs and government, and as this song states, they send out millions of innocent young american lives to fight our pathetic wars, and then the governement tests controvesial drugs on their 'good ole boys' that they know is dangerous. Oh, and a main reason of the attacks were NOT because 'they hate freedom', although that may be one.. but it was sending us a message to leave them alone, and what do we do? send in more american troops. ugh. :D Anti-flag rules

Cover art for You've Gotta Die for the Government lyrics by Anti-Flag

THink for yourself instead of having the government tell you what to think. They are just stating their opinion and if hundreds of people agree with them or have the open their eyes, that's their choice. also, you think testing things like agent orange that they knew would have dire consequences on their OWN soldiers is protecting you? then have fun.

Cover art for You've Gotta Die for the Government lyrics by Anti-Flag

punks not dead. everyone thinks that punk will die, but punks not dead. for YEARS people have been saying that, and it hasnt happened yet. maybe you dont like anti-flag, and thats ok. but you just cant make such a statement as "punk is dead". so how do you classify other bands, like AFI, good riddance, alkaline trio, pennywise, and all those bands? thayre NOT POP. and i dont really think of them as emo. maybe SOME of the people who are into anti flag are jerks. not all of them. most of us here are just here because we like their music, and think they have some good views. i can agree that they are a bit extreme, but whatever. thats what gives music its personality. maybe punks dead to you, or maybe your just trying to get people mad or confused, but whatever. o and by the way, couchpotato, i looked at your profile. your 17, your a teenager. so unless your lying, so dont rip on people for being "teenage punks". and your email, alkalinetrio. do you like alkaline trio? i sure do. i consider them punk. how do you classify them? pop? but whatever. hate anti-flag as you want, but punks not dead.

Cover art for You've Gotta Die for the Government lyrics by Anti-Flag

I love anti-flag for the fact that it is REAL PUNK none of that three chord, same base line crap, like new found glory. man I hate those people that think there punk because of there fashion. when they don't even have an opinon. Well yeah geting off subject Af Rocks

Cover art for You've Gotta Die for the Government lyrics by Anti-Flag

Af brings up a strong message and i hav to say that the govenment tell lies in one ear and out the other to most ppl these days... so sad

Cover art for You've Gotta Die for the Government lyrics by Anti-Flag

a-f is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the coolest band ever!!

Cover art for You've Gotta Die for the Government lyrics by Anti-Flag

this is by the best anti-flag song. but i do think these guys are a bit over the edge at times like living in america is another form of hell. but i admit it, i am a fan.

Cover art for You've Gotta Die for the Government lyrics by Anti-Flag

this song is the shit me and my friend are obsessed with this song it is so bad ass.so anY one thaT DOESN'T LIKE IT CAn die for a country that's shit.

Cover art for You've Gotta Die for the Government lyrics by Anti-Flag

i fucking hate punk and all you other muther-fuckers that support this noise and actually waste money on their shitty cds. Find real music or DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

Cover art for You've Gotta Die for the Government lyrics by Anti-Flag

its not that america is a hell... its better than anything else out there... doesnt mean that its perfect or any good... a lesser evil... id still like to think it could be made better... dont want to lose faith, but look at our president and then look at the person he beat... they both point out a bleak forecast for this nation