Indie Sux, Hardline Sux, Emo Sux, You Suck! Lyrics

The indie kids are a bunch of snobs
They complain my timing's all off
I think timing is for stupid fucks! Why do they think I
Steve Albini playing god of indie heave, stupid dorks
Keeping time in seven and eleven!

Indie sux, hard-line sux, emo sux, YOU SUCK!
Indie sux, hard-line sux, emo sux, YOU SUCK!

I'm not a vegan and I have had sex,
So some hard-line kids tried to kick my ass
If you're not like them they want to clean your clock
They're nothing but a bunch of jocks!
They're anti-choice, they're facist youth,
Their songs all song like metal tunes!

Indie sux, hard-line sux, emo sux, YOU SUCK!
Indie sux, hard-line sux, emo sux, YOU SUCK!

But what about punk rock?
What about punk rock? Hahahaha
I've been told emo songs are deep, which translates into
All they ever do is cry, did something get caught in their eyes?
I just can't understand it all,
Even I don't always bawl..
My girlfriend dumped me
And I'm really really hurt...

Indie sux, hard-line sux, emo sux, YOU SUCK!
Indie sux, hard-line sux, emo sux, YOU SUCK!
They sux, you suck, they sux, you suck.....
110 Meanings
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sweet your an emo kid that listens to anti-flag? that sounds about right. people should stop stereotyping themselves as something to fit in a category just be yourself and by the way emo really does suck

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aw man this is the song right here! and as an emo, indie, and hardline lover, it makes me laugh! (yay anti-flag)

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funny song 'Boohoohoo.. My girlfriend dumped me And I'm really really hurt...' Especially this bit!!

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chelsea - breathe, this song kicks ass, i like emo some, but this song is hilarious

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chelsea - breathe, this song kicks ass, i like emo some, but this song is hilarious

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I agree with uncgurl, you need to relax chelsea, this isn't exactly a serious song, it's just a joke. And by the way, you used a double negative.

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I love emo, but besides that, Anti-flag fuckin' rocks, and so does this song.

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I love emo, but besides that, Anti-flag fuckin' rocks, and so does this song.

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haha this is so true! about time somebody told it how it is! even tho i like emo,it still is true!

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er.. you guys are a bunch of shit fucks or something. this song .. is to be funny. they guys from anti-flag don't mean any of this. and chelsea lady.. if saves the day is what you consider emo you should get your music redesigned. saves the day is .. er .. not the emoest music out there. saves the day doesn't even begin to describe emo.

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