122 Meanings
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Crawling In The Dark Lyrics

I will dedicate
And sacrifice my everything for just a second's worth
Of how my story's ending
And I wish I could know if the directions that I take
And all the choices that I make won't end up all for nothing
Show me what it's for
Make me understand it
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
Is there something more than what i've been handed?
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
Help me carry on
Assure me it's ok to use my heart and not my eyes
To navigate the darkness
Will the ending be ever coming suddenly?
Will I ever get to see the ending to my story?
Show me what it's for
Make me understand it
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
Is there something more than what i've been handed?
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
So when and how will I know?
How much further do I have to go?
How much longer until I finally know?
Because I'm looking and I just can't see what's in front of me
In front of me
Show me what it's for
Make me understand it
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
Is there something more than what i've been handed?
I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer
Song Info
Submitted by
mopnugget On Nov 26, 2001
122 Meanings
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This is an awesome song, and Hoobastank is a helluva group. I've been a long time fan of both hoobastank and Incubus and both of these groups have their differences and similiarities, growing up in the same town you think that would happen though ya know. but i think this is a great damn song. i took it very personally ya know its like are we making the right decisions in our life. will we regret our past actions or embrace them. Crawling in the dark is a great title as well. Cause we are all crawling in the dark. nobody knows whats going to happen from this day to the next, and if they do i really feel sorry for you. the best part of being alive is taking chances, not knowing if their going to burn you or not.

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First off, I'd have to agree with kon104, all he's tlaking about is wanting to know how everything's going to turn out in the end. he says that he wants to make sure that his life is going in the right direction and that the path he's taking isn't going to lead him astray. Second - They do sound like Incubus, but if you listen, you'll hear the different life experiences in the songs. Incubus has come far because their music is based on their songs... not on pop culture. this is why they have come so far and hoobastank does the same, which is why they're going to last a long time.

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My interpretation of this was definitely religious/spiritual. I am agnostic but am open to the concept of God.

"Show me what it's for, make me understand it I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer"

means, show me what life is for and it's purpose because all my life I've been in the darkness/the unknown and I'm looking for a meaning of life. Or if there even is one besides having fun.

My Interpretation
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This song came to mind the other day. I was driving home from school thinking about my life, destiny, the fate of the world, and the part I will play in it all. My interpretation of this may require a little bit of background information. I have a bit of an obsession with end of the world theories, because my whole life I've felt that I was destined to play a part in it all. I've always had these strange dreams that feel prophetic.

I was driving home the other day, thinking about how, despite all of the dreams, all of the clues I have, I'm still completely in the dark about it all. This song popped into my head. I listened to it when I came home, and I realized it parallels what I was thinking about perfectly. I know my way of interpretting this song is probably a little out there, but I'll post it here anyway. So, here is my interpretation of the whole song and what it means to me:

"I will dedidcate And sacrifice my everything for just a second's worth Of how my story's ending"

I want to know how it will all end. Even if I will die in the end, I want to know. This is important to me.

"And I wish I could know if the directions that I take And all the choices that I make Won't end up all for nothing"

I have no idea what I'm doing right now. I don't know if the things I'm doing in my life right now will help me in the future. Even if I weren't destined to save the world, I'd still be confused about it all. I just wish I could know what direction to go, what choices to make, what things I should be doing in order to help me in the future. Sometimes I worry that everything I'm doing now will be completely useless when it all gets down to it. I hadn't even been considering it in the choices that I've been making. That reminds me of how a few weeks ago, I was brainstorming skills that would be useful in a post-apocalyptic scenario, in order to help me decide what classes to take next semester.

"Show me what it's for Make me understand it"

I understand this sentiment all too well. I just wish I could somehow know what it's all for. I want to understand. I wish there was some magical key that fit it all together.

"I've been crawling in the dark looking for the answer"

This is exactly what I've been doing. And this line is the one that popped into my head the other day when I was thinking about all of this. I've been crawling in the dark, looking for the answer. There's no better way to word it.

"Is there something more Than what I've been handed? I've been crawling in the dark Looking for the answer"

I know there's something more than what I've been handed. But I can't see it. What is it? Seriously, the line "I've been crawling in the dark, looking for the answer" describes it all too well.

"Help me carry on Assure me it's ok to Use my heart and not my eyes To navigate the darkness"

It's hard to use one's eyes in the darkness. I've been using my heart. It's all I have to go on. I'm in the dark, metaphorically. I have no clues. For all I could know, I could be navigating in circles. All I've got to go on is my heart, and I don't even know how reliable that is.

"Will the ending be ever coming suddenly Will I ever get to see the ending to my story"

I really like this line. It has a lot of meaning to me. I don't know when the ending could come. It could be any time now. And "my story"... Wow. I've started to write down my story so many times. My theory of how it will all end. And I never finish. I can never imagine how it will end.

"So when and how will I know?"

I've been asking this question for as long as I can remember. When will I know the answer? How will I know the answer? Will it ever come to me?

"How much further do I have to go? How much longer till I finally know?"

Related to the last line, but this one has that feeling of thinking it could be any time now. But it never is. Will I ever know?

"Cause I'm looking and I just can't see What's in front of me In front of me"

I thought this part was clever. "in front of me" could refer to both what is in front of me spacially, but it can also refer to the future. I'm looking to know what the future holds, and I can't see it. Even though I feel like all of the answers have been given to me, I just can't piece it all together.

So, that's my interpretation of this song. It's about my thoughts. Is it just a coincidence, or is it by destiny that I'd hear this song? I'd love to talk to someone else who sees the same thing in this song.

Wow.... Are you sure you're not me? These are literally exactly my thoughts, word for word. It's amazing really I know this was posted 5 years ago, but if you happen to see this reply, know that you are not alone

"Will the ending be ever coming suddenly Will I ever get to see the ending to my story" It also can relate back to... "It's not the falling, it's the sudden stop at the end." He has no idea how the life is going to end, it could end tomorrow for all he knows, he wants to know if he can survive til that point or if he will lose himself along the way.

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Ahhhhhh great song. They sound too much like Incubus though, but still very cool.

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this is a good song...there a good band!

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good song, lead singer's kinda cute, yes JulieMarlene, they do sound a lot like Incubus, but that's a good thing. maybe a one-hit-wonder though.

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why cant you guys look past the fact that they sound a bit like incubus, look into the songs. crawling in the dark is a cry for help, it's about questioning what we see everyday. dont be so narrow-minded...

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To me, this song is about the uncertainty of life and how we always have that question of weather we should trust our insticts to navigate through life or follow a certain structure. It also talks about how we can go at any second and never know. "Will the ending be coming ever suddenly"

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