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Les Jardins De Minuit Lyrics

Il est un chemin
Masque qui s'efface
A la lisière
Des cyprès argents

Je lasserai ce soir
Les sirènes envoûtantes
Et les astres m'y guider
De leur triste chant

Mes parcelles non humanes
Se mélent au cœur
De l'eau bleue qui sommeille

Dans les jardins de minuit
Où s'est arrété le temps

Instinct spirituel
Donne-moi la force
Les rigueurs de ce monde

Rêves éveillés
Donnez-moi le courage
D'accueiller pleinement
La lumière autant que l'ombre

Dans les jardins de minuit
Les arbres s'élancent
Vers des lunes recueillies

Dans les jardins de minuit
Des géants s'élèvant
Au vent déchirant la nuit

The Midnight Path

There is a
masked path that fades
At the edge
of the silver cypresses
Tonight I will tire of
the captivating sirens
And the stars guide me there
With their sad song
My non-human plots
mingle in the heart
of the blue water that sleeps
In the midnight gardens
where time stood still
Spiritual instinct
Give me the strength
to embrace
the rigors of this world
Give me the courage
To fully welcome
The light as much as the shadow
In the gardens of midnight
The trees soar
Towards collected moons
In the gardens of midnight
Giants rising
In the wind tearing the night
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The lyrics describe a hidden path at the edge of silver cypresses, where the protagonist leaves behind alluring sirens and lets the stars guide him with their sad song. In the midnight gardens, time has stopped and there are non-human parts mixed within the sleeping blue water. The protagonist asks for spiritual instinct to help embrace the harsh realities of the world and the courage to fully accept both light and darkness. The trees reach towards collected moons and giants rise in the tearing wind of the night.

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