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Na Na Na (Simlish) Lyrics

Trubs nibby trubs nibby trubs
Weys a neeba
Westu nell anzu bar will enash and za weeba
Da megs eeba za
Mental ras gibba na
Ebwee ga ebwee ga ebwee ga
Du bas an doobie sa

Sha gimme sha gimme sha
Wes a neeba
Mes ooney wada da bramya na
Es zu weeba
In a deg
In a shat
With an 'X' abba zor
Nibby zor nibby zor nibby zor
Wada bin winny natty

Bana zun cure enay
Daba a nenetay
Wa pan eshabatay
Brabd en zerb

Pasha a nagatay
We nasa wogatay
Win gonna sagatay
Gibs as zor

Za gimme za gimme za!

Es zabsu wabu aba shab lan
Wab nada zeda little braz dans
Wab neba zenny noba mas lan
Wa tinga zatlan

He sifta nanny made a blascan
Prussy du was ana!

Foo noova wanatay
Back ana kannasay
A fwingsu whata say
Prow in dur

Pasha a nagatay
We nasa wogatay
win gonna sagatay
Gibs as zor

Ewag nere
Wap zow
All ze nayd in gattory nitty
Na pitta vilzin
Tayz their open wilpy zalms
Why dinny daggers up to leven
Itala boony bralls
Ab ze mittezen brats
Yak angels made bo zeon and blabbing garbage
Zeem out: "Rat rowaids us?"
Eb zo whine nopen dorbs

Ned zu wanny wansa bag na sho
Ned zu wanny bansa bag na sho
But neeb zim
Neeb zim wants to bly
Wabba tie
Wabba tie
Wabba tie
Wabba tie
Wabba tie
Za bashy gooby zaba!

Make zo apology
Ee vada wickasay
Ab salla loratay
Tashy zurb

Bab naba bobatay
Was napa seepashay
Ee bapa shobbycay
Ban zee la burgindory
Bap my lair
Zab and vore me
Bull na bin
Leb nis zurb expnode!
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Cover art for Na Na Na (Simlish) lyrics by My Chemical Romance

Oh moratic! Jowlenin, plicka hy yeeb.

Cover art for Na Na Na (Simlish) lyrics by My Chemical Romance

WTF?! Gerard sounds so amazing even in Simlish :)

Cover art for Na Na Na (Simlish) lyrics by My Chemical Romance

I lol'd. :D

Also, is it just me, or does The Sims 3 list Na Na Na twice, the second time as a different artist, yet it's still MCR?

Cover art for Na Na Na (Simlish) lyrics by My Chemical Romance

Whoa, why have I not heard this before? Is it bad to say that this is as good as the original?? xD

Cover art for Na Na Na (Simlish) lyrics by My Chemical Romance