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Bluestocking Lyrics

I love you
You're so well read
Blue stockings
Well spread
Your carnal knowledge knocks me dead

I love you
You're so well read
Give head
I love you, you've read:

Ovid, Anais Nin, the Song of Solomon,
The Perfumed Garden
& Georges Bataille's The Story of the Eye,
Petronius Satyricon,
The Arabian Nights, Decameron
The Marquis de Sade's "120 Days"
& Serge Gainsbourg singing songs to Sweet Jane B

I love you
You're so well read
Blue stockings
Well spread
Your carnal knowledge knocks me dead

I love you
You're so well read
Give head
I love you, you've read:

Sacher Masoch & DHL
Portnoy's Complaint & mine as well
Frank Harris, The Life & Loves,
Lusts of a Moron, Wings of a Dove,
The Latins of the Silver Age,
The triolets of Paul Verlaine,
Lautreamont & G. Cabrera Infante
Mishima Yukio & Sweet Jane B

I love you
You're so well read
Blue stocking
Give head
Whisper what they said:

'Le silence de la chambre est profond
Aucun bruit n'arrive plus
Ni des routes, ni de la ville, ni de la mere
La nuit est a son terme, partout limpide et noir
La lune a disparu
Ils ont peur
Il ecoute, les yeux au sol
Son silence effrayante
Il parle de sa beaute
Les yeux fermees
Il peut revoir encore l'image dans sa perfection'
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Cover art for Bluestocking lyrics by Momus

An amazing reading list in a slightly naughty song.

The last bit in French is, I believe, from the Georges Bataille book.

"Lusts Of A Moron" is the first collection of Momus' own lyrics. Who wouldn't look a woman who's read one's one work?

Actually, Momus himself said it's from Marguerite Duras' book "The Lovers." My bad.

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