Songs in the Wind Lyrics
You cannot hear it, don't you really care
Love is how your soul tells you you're alive
It makes you laugh and makes you cry
The feeling we've known will always stay
And your hoping and my wishing up to the end
Will free our love like songs in the wind
The thoughts and things that make you unhappy
Love is the key that springs the lock
So then you fly away without moving
But each knows there's a difference
We're existing in our place
Where there are no more fences
There are no fences
The key is playing upon its throne
And we're playing where no eye can see
The breeze is singing through harmony

This is probably my favorite Association song. Just incredible.
I think this song is about a couple having issues and their potential separation ("It doesn't matter if you go away/The feeling we've known will always stay")...there are 'fences' separating them, but the author of the song talks about that presence of mind to allow them to overcome these issues.
Quite honestly it sounds like the epic logic vs. feelings inner debate; 'this isn't working out, but we love eachother- we can make this work.' All of the arguments the author puts forward are about FEELINGS-- he talks about 'opening up the doors that free you from the thoughts and things that make you unhappy'. He's literally suggesting ignoring the unpleasant things so they can continue to cruise forward with fluffy feelings.
Part of me wants to claim this naive; feelings change, so how can you base a relationship on that? passion ebbs and flows and eventually ceases to exist, in many relationships. Yet, there's something powerful and true in the idea of sticking with someone in spite of said troubles. It seems the author here believes that downplaying the issues is the 'key' to the problem.