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Five Steps Lyrics

Veins swell
You know me, Ellen enough to tell
Five steps you're over

Quick cut
Make your move, deliberate
Five steps you're over

No reprimand
Deliberate, demand
With your two feet at hand

Get back
This train's a comin' down the track
Five steps you're over
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Submitted by
bleedorbreathe On Mar 01, 2009
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12 Meanings

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Cover art for Five Steps lyrics by Davenports, The

I think the lyric is NOT "you know me Ellen/Elle enough to tell..." I strongly think they got the line wrong and it's "you know me WELL enough to tell..."

@Generic_Ornament yep I feel the same way. I was surprised when i first seen that in the lyrics & what surprised me even more is that no one in the comments were even mentioning it until you.

I mean I suppose it's possible he's saying Elle, but he definitely isn't saying Ellen.

@Generic_Ornament Well, Scott from the Davenports says it is "You know me, Ellen, enough to tell" so... maybe you should tell him he is wrong?

@tcthomas4 ok, I’m obviously going to assume if anyone from the band confirmed that that’s the lyric; it’s still a weird lyric IMHO. I mean, of course people are going to think it’s “well,” because it makes more sense…

@dan1141302 I guess “Ellen,” could just sort of go into “enough,” someone said someone from the band actually confirmed the lyric… I don’t hear the N, and “well,” makes more sense to me, personally, but I’m just hear from “Intervention” ????‍♀️????

Cover art for Five Steps lyrics by Davenports, The

This is an extremely powerful song. It has personal meaning to me, and I speak from personal experience, so I may be biased. But... This song is about the 5 steps of grief, and about drugs, though neither is really the subject matter. It was well placed on South Parks Intervention episode.

"Veins swell" - He is a drug addict. "You know me, Ellen, enough to tell" - Assuming Ellen is his girlfriend, and she knows of his addiction. She does not approve and can tell when he is high. "Five steps and you're over." - His way of saying I would rather go through the grief of losing you than quit drugs. "Quick cut, Make your move, deliberate" - She makes an ultimatum, quit drugs or I'm leaving you. "No reprimand Deliberate, demand" - No further words or arguing, she is going to leave him now. "With your two feet at hand" - His response, You have two feet, get up and leave. "Get back This train's a comin' down the track" - And now he is going to get high.

Five steps you're over - Very powerful line. I will get over you in 5 easy steps. Much easier than quitting drugs.

tcthomas4 - I think you've hit the meaning dead on. Thanks for some great insight into this song.

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Uh no, your not hitting the meaning dead on. First of all the first line is not Ellen, the first line is "Veins swell, you know me well enough to tell". So before you take a beautiful inspirational song and turn it into a song about a guy choosing drugs over a female learn the words!!

You are wrong Laura. "The correct lyric IS "you know me, Ellen..." Thanks for listening. (Scott from The Davenports)" So before you go off on somebody for their opinion, why not learn the real lyrics and not the wrong lyrics posted on some site on the Internet?

Cover art for Five Steps lyrics by Davenports, The

This is just my analogy of these song lyrics. I think they outline the premiss of the show and outline what families of addicts need to do to break this destructive cycle.

"Veins swell You know me, Elle, enough to tell" I think this part is just staing the fact that those around the addict know them well enough to tell when they are using and when they are not.

"Quick cut Make your move, deliberate" I think this part of the song is talking about how once a family decides to do an intervention, that it needs to be quick and deliberate and with everyone involved on the same page. It describes the process of letting the addict know that there is nothing you won't do to help them get better, and that there is nothing you will do to allow this to continue one more day. The "NO MORE" stage so-to-speak.

"With your own two feet and hand" To me this implies that it is up to the loved ones to intervine before it's too late. Then, once the decision to act has been made, loved ones must stand together and stand their ground.

"No reprimand Deliberate, demand" I think this part talks about how in order to break the cycle of depandency,the loved ones must make it clear to the addict what consequences he/she will face if help is not excepted. Not by "scolding" or belittling the addict but by putting the consequences on the table, letting the addict make the decision, and for the loved ones to stick to the consequences they have set.

"Get back This train's a comin' down the track" I think this last verse referes to the act of stepping back and letting whatever happens happen. Whether the addict desides to get help or not is purely up to them. They cannot be forced to get help and loved ones must allow themselves to accept whatever choice the addict makes and move on with their own lives.

"Five steps you're over" I think this lyric refers to the 5 stages of grief that come with any major life change. Change is hard and if one can make it through the stages of grief and reach the acceptance stage regarding their situation, healing can begin.

@dianamo67 it's been 5 years since you posted this so you probably won't see this but I love your interpretation of this song. Beautiful.

@dianamo67 furthermore, the song is about a depressed person struggling with the concept of suicide. it's only obvious in every single stanza - "five steps you're over" meaning the five stages of grief. that is directly from the artist, you dumb fuck.

Cover art for Five Steps lyrics by Davenports, The

It seems like it's about drug use because of the show Intervention which could very well be the truth. It could also be literally about taking 5 steps towards that person you care about or it could be about suicide. He talks about taking 5 steps to be in front of a train and then he says it's over. Or this song can mean something completely different, this is just some ideas I thought of.

Cover art for Five Steps lyrics by Davenports, The

Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.

Cover art for Five Steps lyrics by Davenports, The

I think it's about drug use, though much of that is based on its use as the theme for Intervention.

My Interpretation

It IS about drug use (according to The Davenports who wrote it). The 5 steps refer to the literal steps one does when shooting up-make "Veins swell", make sure the "Cut is deliberate", etc. Also, there's no one named Ellen. The second line is "You know me well enough to tell." Still a powerful song and 2012 Intervention is using Morgan Taylor Reid;s rendition which is slower and the lyrics easier to understand. Watch (or listen) on Youtube under Morgan Taylor Reid.

Cover art for Five Steps lyrics by Davenports, The

um, im pretty sure this is a song is talking about the five steps of grief. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. I'm thinking this song was brought on by the loss of someone close to the songwriter.

I definitely agree with emobama.

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Cover art for Five Steps lyrics by Davenports, The

I agree with both kmk_natasha and heartsrhythm.

In the first verse, they sing

"Veins swell. You know me Elle, and enough to tell Five steps you're over."

Which to me sounds like one of the steps it takes to inject a drug.

Then the next verse "Quick cut, make your move deliberate Five steps you're over."

It sounds like it might be the about one of the steps of a suicide technique

"No reprimand, deliberate demand" - It's like saying that there's no more consequences for the perpetrator of a successful suicide, and that the need for it is intentional. "With your two feet at hand" - not sure about this one

"Get back this train's a comin down the track Five steps you're over" The last part is like saying, okay, now that you've had your time standing in the tracks feeling sorry for yourself, it's time to get out of harm's way, and come back. It's only five steps back from where you came.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Five Steps lyrics by Davenports, The

There are five stages of addiction recovery. The first few verses address the first few stages:

  1. Awareness and acknowledgement that you have a problem. "You know me well enough to tell"

  2. Consideration of the idea of recovery. Deliberate.

  3. Explore recovery "with your two feet at hand"

The last two stages are the recovery process itself, which the show handles as an epilogue:

  1. The initial stages of recovery and the process of finding equilibrium.
  2. Ongoing recovery and maintenance.

The final verse could be referring to the train as a vehicle to recovery, but the line "Get back" suggests a warning: if you don't move you'll die, and there's no stopping that train.

My Interpretation
Cover art for Five Steps lyrics by Davenports, The

Five steps toward the tracks, you're over.