Casandra's Ire Lyrics

I know, I know
And I’ll never tell
Words of blood
May seep
In your ears
But shall never
Break the god’s spell

Divine splendor
Volumed in
Incantational ignorance
Cannot save you now

I know where it lies
I know where
The killer lies
But I will not
Suffer the deaf
So that they
May elude
Suffering so sweetly

Speak and there
Is no fun
To be had
Create silence
And all will burn

Oration betrays
Honest intention
Plebeian ears
Mutate truth
Into tongues
Nescient sheep
Should never
Lead the flock

Let it be
The greatest
To that has
Yet to be
Is this oh so
Divine cleansing
Of all that
Should never
Have been

Let it burn
Song Info
Submitted by
dj Lm On Jul 11, 2008
1 Meaning
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The title "Cassadra's Ire" refers to two things. One being anger and scorn (denoted by the word "Ire"). The second being the reference to Cassandra, who was blessed with precognition but cursed to never be believed.

The lyrics reference someone who has apparently tried to save a group from themselves, but has become irritated that their words fall on deaf ears. It is then that the speaker seems to embrace the futility of trying to save them and relishes in their contribution to natural selection.

Everything should make sense now.

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