17 Meanings
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One Last Song Lyrics

The ship was sinking; we were drinking, singing one last song
Casting our gold into the ocean
You grabbed a bucket, started screaming, "Come on, come on"
Just try to slow the downward motion
Back in the kingdom, we were kings and queens and oh, so strong
That god himself could not contain us
We never thought we'd be the shorter end of sword and gun
Now god himself could never save us

Waves of silver, waves of gold
Are coming down to take me
Separate my body from my soul
And Jesus either leaves or takes me
Hopes of heaven, fears of hell
What's the chance I'll make it?
When all my other plans have failed
And I tried so hard to fake it

We started sinking, drinking water from the open sea
Losing our bodies to the ocean
You grabbed my hand and started screaming, "rescue me"
Together fight that downward motion
Back in the kingdom we were kings and queens and oh, so free
That god himself just had to show us
We never thought we'd be the colder side of land and sea
But he's the only one who knows us

Waves of silver, waves of gold
Are coming down to take me
Separate my body from my soul
And Jesus either leaves or takes me
Hopes of heaven, fears of hell
What's the chance I'll make it?
When all my other plans have failed
And I tried so hard to fake it
Song Info
Submitted by
iamthenightstars On Feb 15, 2008
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17 Meanings

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Cover art for One Last Song lyrics by Josiah Leming

i think that this song had two major ideas. one having to do with the obviously stated question of salvation, and the other metaphorically addressing "making it" into the music industry and leaving behind what is familiar to you, to pursue a dream/ the unknown. i feel like this makes sense considering the history of the artist.

Cover art for One Last Song lyrics by Josiah Leming

He said he had a dream and this was the song that came out of it. I love it.

Cover art for One Last Song lyrics by Josiah Leming

the portrait was probably done AFTER he wrote the song. he said it came out of a dream he had.

this song gives me the chills as well. it's amazing. and i think american idol has finally realized what they've lost. :)

Cover art for One Last Song lyrics by Josiah Leming

This is my favorite Josiah song and he doesn't even have it recorded as professionally as some of his other songs. :(

In literal terms, I definitely think this is about Titanic. In the actual meaning, Josiah himself said he wasn't exactly sure what it was about. Just that it was about being helpless and that God truly controls all.

Cover art for One Last Song lyrics by Josiah Leming

ah this is one of my fave songs by him i think its talk about when you die or it could be talkin about the storyy titanic ? maybe

Cover art for One Last Song lyrics by Josiah Leming

this song reminds me of "Annabel Lee" by Edgar Allen Poe.

Cover art for One Last Song lyrics by Josiah Leming

It think it's about living your life to the extreme and think you're unstoppable, but then something happens and you're 'sinking'.

Great song. I hope he performs it on Ellen.

Cover art for One Last Song lyrics by Josiah Leming

In his youtube video of this song, there's an upside-down portrait of the very thing he's singing about, hanging on the wall behind him. I think it's genius, whether his inspiration came from the portrait or vice versa (I wouldn't be surprised if he painted it). Anyway, I've listened to this song over and over, and its lyrics and imagery are exquisite for an eighteen year old.

In the imagery of the song, I see a big 'unsinkable' ship sinking, and the singer is a passenger of the ship. When the ship is hit and begins sinking, everyone starts throwing their heavy treasures into the sea, gold, silver, etc, trying to lighten the load and slow the sinking.

In the first chorus, when he sings: "Waves of silver, waves of gold Are coming now to take me..." I can see a picture of the mess, of people falling into the sea amongst the rubble, surrounded by the treasures they had cast away, floating in the waves. They are fighting the waves to keep from drowning, faces falling beneath the surface.

The way he wrote the song makes this imagery so valuable. Especially in the second chorus, the second interpretation of the chorus bursts like a fire of colours. It's the same lyrics, but this time the picture feels like a metaphysical, religious experience. The heavens descend into the skies, looking like waves of gold and silver. It mixes with the ship's descent into the sea, and reaches for the souls of victims underneath the waters, separating bodies from their souls.

As for the song, I am still awestruck. I'm guessing he's alluding to some mythological story, but I could be completely in the wrong. The allegory is so simple but so complex.

Cover art for One Last Song lyrics by Josiah Leming

i love this song i think of salvation when in listen to it

Cover art for One Last Song lyrics by Josiah Leming

This is my favorite song by Josiah... it creates imagery in my head and it's like a story. It reminds me of Titanic...Jack singing to Rose. I don't know. This is just beautiful. Josiah is an amazing talent! screw American Idol! their loss.