52 Meanings
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I Feel It All Lyrics

I feel it all, I feel it all
I feel it all, I feel it all
The wings are wide, the wings are wide
Wild card inside, wild card inside

Ooh, I'll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll be the one to hold the gun
I know more than I knew before
I know more than I knew before
I didn't rest, I didn't stop
Did we fight, or did we talk?

Ooh, I'll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll be the one to hold the gun
I love you more
I love you more
I don't know what I knew before
But now I know I want to win the war

No one likes to take a test
Sometimes you know more is less
Put your weight against the door
Kick-drum on the basement floor
Stranded in the fog of words
Loved him like a winter bird
On my head the water pours
Gulf stream through the open door
Fly away
Fly away to what you wanna make

I feel it all, I feel it all
I feel it all, I feel it all
The wings are wide, the wings are wide
Wild card inside, wild card inside

Ooh, I'll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll be the one who'll break my heart
I'll end it, though you started it

The truth lies
The truth lies
And lies divide
Lies divide
52 Meanings
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"Oh I'll be the one who'll break my heart I'll be the one to hold the gun"

I think this song is about her putting an end to a relationship that's not good for her. It doesn't seem like he's going to be the one who will let go, maybe she was counting on that to move on, so now she's going to have no one to blame for her broken heart but herself, and pull the trigger on the relationship, which can be an empowering thing, if not completely devastating, and I think that's why she feels it all. When she 'holds the gun,' the ability to be wild and free is within her grasp, but at the same time, she's going to be heartbroken. She knows it's time to move on, though. She's loved him too much and too long that maybe it's gotten in the way of her own happiness, her own life, and now she realizes she has to somehow break free, rediscover herself and her worth by being alone (sometimes more is less). It's the complex dynamics of relationships, "I know more than I knew before" vs. "I don't know what I knew before" that defines feeling it all. She knows it has to end, because she doesn't know his love is true. And the millions of other questions that go along with those two statements.

This is probably the saddest song I've ever listened to, in all honestly. What a broken heart.

@goldenblind221 this is exactly how I feel when I listen to this song... although it was nine years ago since you made this comment, I still wanted to say thanks for the interpretation.. somehow it's comforting when someone else feels the same when they listen to the same tunes and lyrics

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This one is really fun to interpret, and it's a song that I only came to understand recently, after a very difficult time in my life (for many many reasons). This is also (imo) Feist's very best song, lyrically.

The song is about a person have the life epiphany about the balance of life: of people, of relationships, of foilables of others, the weaknesses, the strengths, the love, the hate, and everything in between. In short, it's the recognization that one has the tools to see the very inner workings of another and be able to shape and manipulate people seemingly at will. However, Feist also recognizes (thank goodness!) the evil in forcing people to do things against their nature and also sees that only through the use of truth and good will towards others can you bring about positive change that won't leave good people angry in your wake.

It's a remarkably mature and breathtaking lyric, when Feist recognizes that in the end, the only one who can really destroy her is herself, through her own actions ("I'll be the one to hold the gun").

Song Meaning

@bernlin2000 ???? best explanation.

@bernlin2000 I have always related to this song and have tried to find the right words to fully articulate it to others. And then a whopping 8 years later I stumble upon this comment that hits the nail directly on the head. Well done! Thank you!

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I think it's about being jaded from relationships which you were previously naive in and ended with your heart being broken by the other person. Now, she knows more than she knew before, how people lie and can't always be trusted, but she can't help the way she is so in a way she is the one breaking her heart because she's allowing herself to be vulnerable and to feel it all.

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Love this song...especially the live version she did on the Colbert Report.

Ok, here's my take.

She's boarded a plane on a rainy day and she's looking out at the wings. The wings are wide (this represents her hope that things will be Ok). She's the "wild card" inside the plane. This represents the uncertainty in her future. She's getting ready to fly away somewhere to get a fresh start.

She's leaving a relationship that she previously fought to maintain (I didn't rest, I didn't stop). She's not leaving because she feels numb or because she just doesn't care anymore. Indeed, she "feels it all"...she loves the one she's leaving as much now as she ever did ("I love you more"). It's easy to get back into an old relationship because its comfortable. It's also much easier to leave a relationship when you no longer care anymore. This is not the case for her and her determination to do what's best for her (despite what she feels) is really the core theme of the song.

She's also willing to concede that maybe she was wrong about her perception of the truth the first time around (I don't know what I knew before). This is one of the hardest parts of letting go of love...the realization that everything you thought was "true" (your love), might not have been ("The truth lied"). You may have just been in denial or delusional. And "lies divide"...it's over...they no longer have the trust needed to keep it going.

So, she's going to be proactive and "fly away" this time around...even though it hurts and even though he's the one who came back to her.

The middle verse is more free association and less obvious.

"Put your weight against the door" -- Denial

"Kickdrum on the basement floor" -- Loneliness

"Stranded in a fog of words" -- All the fights and "talks", and the frustration (fog) that nothing ever got worked out .

"Loved him like a winter bird" -- They had an "off-and-on" relationship.

"On my head the water pours, gulfstream though the open door" -- This could be a reference to grief, or it could be a more literal account of her climbing aboard the plane (Gulfstream) on a rainy day.

so far, this has been the best of all post here.. i feel it all :)

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I think the line "loved him like a winter bird", is not the lack of love she feels for him but instead how strong her feelings are for him..how many birds do you see in the winter? something that brings joy in the cold and dead winter.. her love for him is special. I think she refers to the same lover in many of her songs. Someone she knows is always there but unattainable to her in the type of relationship she seeks. Something she finds out previously in their relationship together..."I know more than I knew before"...that one love you never get over, who annoying stays in your life making it hard to forget

My Interpretation
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So far this is my new favorite song of hers.

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i think this song is about giving a relationship a second chance but this time she's saying it will be diffrent cause she's wiser and she "knows more than she knew before" and in this time she'll be the one to "hold the gun"

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This one is really fun to interpret, and it's a song that I only came to understand recently, after a very difficult time in my life (for many many reasons). This is also (imo) Feist's very best song, lyrically.

The song is about a person have the life epiphany about the balance of life: of people, of relationships, of foilables of others, the weaknesses, the strengths, the love, the hate, and everything in between. In short, it's the recognization that one has the tools to see the very inner workings of another and be able to shape and manipulate people seemingly at will. However, Feist also recognizes (thank goodness!) the evil in forcing people to do things against their nature and also sees that only through the use of truth and good will towards others can you bring about positive change that won't leave good people angry in your wake.

It's a remarkably mature and breathtaking lyric, when Feist recognizes that in the end, the only one who can really destroy her is herself, through her own actions ("I'll be the one to hold the gun").

Song Meaning
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I think the part you aren't sure about is "on my head the water pours"

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The last few words sung in the song--I wish one could actually understand it.

And I believe instead of "...come/ I know more than I knew before" it might just be "Can I know more than I knew before?/ I know more than I knew before!" A little more sense made?

A few more lines, too, are questionable. ("The truth lies"? How about... "The truth, the lies"?) Are there any official sources anywhere at all? D: Other than that... This song captured my heart, it's so... Iunno, free. C: Nuff said. (Kinda wish it wasn't so short, however.)

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