Know Who You Are At Every Age Lyrics
Observe such, Heal such
Behave such that makes this hard for me
I'm not real and I deny, I won't heal unless I cry
I can't grieve, so I won't grow, I won't heal 'til I let it go
I'm not real and I deny, I won't heal unless I cry
It seems things are indicative to, A distinct desire to
Observe such, Heal such
Behave such that makes this hard for me
I'm not real and I deny, I won't heal unless I cry
I can't grieve, so I won't grow, I won't heal 'til I let it go
Cry, cry, cry 'til you know why, I lost myself, identify
I'm not real and I deny, I won't heal unless I cry
I can't grieve, so I won't grow, I won't heal 'til I let it go

Dealing with issues, huh?...
I am guilty of throwing things to the back of the mind and denying that they are there.. It's easier that way... to hide them and pretend they don't exist.. straight down the line... strong and resolute
Yet, the issue's are still there... even if only in my subconscious..
I won't heal unless I cry..
But cry for what?... I deny that I will heal if I cry, so I choose not to... I choose not to grieve as I think it's unpreductive.. or at least I can grieve for 10 minutes and then move on...
But is that grief enough?.. has one dealt with it by passing thought on it or does one need to dwell and bathe in all it's sorrow to truly understand it??
My eternal dilema... and these are the thoughts which the song brings to my mind today..
Tomorrow I may listen to this song and hear a different song... I guess thats what 'song' is all about?! ;-)
Thanks for reading

so beautiful. very moving. crying is how we give ourselves back to ourselves. its the soul trying to tell us something about who we are. that we are fragile, precious, and beautiful. not to mention 'good'. this song is so wonderfully emo, and so perfectly hits on such a strong concept of grief and pain and humanity emerging from that. this is day 2 of me having this song on repeat.

Trauma can be surreal, to the put of in denial. Denying pain may seem strong yet it prohibits you to grow. If you want to conquer it, you have to face it.
Truly a song relatable to all

This song is currently bringing me back to life.
It’s delicious food for the soul.
Cocteau Twins are severely underrated… the world would be different if their music was pumped into our mainstream. Maybe… one day.