27 Meanings
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Just Stay Lyrics

I found my fickle friend
Out in the alley way
He said, You don't look so good
I said, "Hey doc that's great
You started practicing ?
I never got the note
So let's shake and trade
And be on our way "
Let's go, go, go

So here we are again
Inside your neon shrine
Sharing a chopping block
Beneath embarrassed light
That tries to hide from us
It tucks itself away
So we both grab hold
And say no you don't
Just stay, just stay

And I'm racing towards
The one mistake
That locks me in my place
The judgement call
That justifies the smirk stuck on my face
My crooked life scared straight and stiff
By the last wrong turn I'll take
But I'm not there yet so come purr, my pet
Let's play, let's play

The morning's hot and harsh
My notebook fills itself
The words come thick with sweat
It feels like someone else
Is writing all of this
Someone I just can't believe
When I mop my brow
Set my pen back down
It's still me, still me

And I'm grabbing at a feeling now
That I can't ever name
Some sign post to remind me
How I wanted things this way

And she said, it's pretty
But you hate yourself
I can hear it clear as day
And I say, when I sing like this
It sounds worse than it is
I'm okay, okay
I'm okay, okay
Just stay, just stay
Song Info
Submitted by
jesselacey On Jun 11, 2006
27 Meanings
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I'm pretty sure 'sin' is actually 'sing'..:

And I say, "I sing like this, it sounds worse than it is. I'm okay, okay."

Other than that, it seems accurate to me.

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goddamn. everyone thinks jesse lacey is involved in every fucking song now because he was back vocals in ONE.

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the album version is:

"I found my fickle friend out in the alley way He said, You don't look so good. I said, Hey doc, that's great. You started practicing? I never got the note. So let's shake and trade and be on our way. Let's go, go, go.

So here we are again, inside your neon shrine, sharing a chopping block beneath embarassed light that tries to hide from us it tucks itself away. So we both grab hold and say no you don't. Just stay, just stay.

The morning's hot and harsh, my notebook fills itself. The words come thick with sweat, it feels like someone else is writing all of this, someone I just can't believe. when I mop my brow, set my pen back down, it's still me, still me.

And I'm grabbing at a feeling now that I can't ever name. Some sign post to remind me how I wanted things this way.

And she says, 'it's pretty but you hate yourself, I can hear it clear as day.' And I say, 'when i sing like this, it sounds worse than it is. I'm okay, okay. I'm okay, okay. Just stay, just stay.'

the first verse is a drug deal second verse they're doing the drugs the third is the next next day he feels beside himself and not himself as he writes of the past night(s) 4th verse he plays the song for a girl and she thinks hes depressed but really he wants his life that way

The "just stay just stay" in the first verse references to the feeling that he enjoys when he is on the drugs he bought (possibly coke because of the chopping block). Once the feeling fades he feels even better around the girl. He wants her to stay. Sadly, the feeling he gets around her may last just as short a time as the high he wanted to remain. Especially if she looks at him as hating himself...

i agree with both of you :)

but to be more specific:

first verse, he refers to his friend/dealer as being a doctor, which is ironic. he's being sarcastic by asking 'you started practicing? i never got the note' like, his dealer should be the last person to comment on his condition and the way he's living his life. but his friend supplies him with drugs, and then kevin self medicates with said drugs, trying to find something that will last and maybe balance his brain.

So here we are again, inside your neon shrine, (neon shrine= tripping/rolling/drug room. usually painted...

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while Kevine Devine has admitted to being a drug user/alcoholic, i feel like his reference to such things in his music has become more metaphorical, since in my own experience, when you've tried a drug and not felt like it was a good decision, you learn a lot about life and yourself from it.

Specifically in this song i feel like drug use is a metaphor about Kevin's song writing. it can be easily discerned that Kevin writes about subject matter that is real, and more often than not, it has dark connotations. the drug reference and the part that says "I write like this" would point, in my opinion, to the conclusion that writing songs with dark meanings and connotations is something he always wanted to do, which is common in the "indie" scene, or music in general really. and a "girl" listener points out to him that all of his songs make it sound like he is unhappy with himself and life, as most of his lyrics are about his own internal struggles. The phrase, "I write like this, it sounds worse than it is," would say, to me, that he really writes those things because those are the things he chooses to express, while he continues to be otherwise happy in his everyday life.

thus the song is about putting on the image of sadness and depression whilst he is really content and just trying to work out life's kinks.

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jesse lacey ?

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kevin devine.

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he doesnt want his life that way, he's just trying to convince her (and himself) that he's ok, when the obvious message is he ain't. but he's scared she's gonna leave him.

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Actually, charchoalsketch, Jesse Lacey was in two of KD's song's on his previous album. Jesse did background vocals in both Cotton Crush and Afterparty, but that's aside the point. I think it's kind of about going through the motions of life, and life getting routine, but he's okay with that.

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my comment "jesse lacey ?" was in reference to the person who submitted these lyrics.

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Another lovely song about cocaine by Kevin Devine.

When everything feels right while living that lifestyle, but eventually you need to be able to live as you, not as the person you are while influenced by the drug.

"still me still me" is his way of saying that beyond the drug it is still him, and he needs to remind himself of that. And in the end hs is "okay, okay."

I could go so incredably far in analizing this song, but i'll stop there.

Kevin Devine = love

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