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She's Got A Cause Lyrics

she was all alone
she looked round and around
forever searching
incessant drudgery
but she had that someone wrapped up in a box
sticking pins and needles through the tiny cracks

she had someone she owned
and it's hard to confess
i was that someone
and she could care less

she's got (she's got)
a cause (she thinks she has)
a cause


least i have my address
in her stranglehold
lived my life around her
and i lived my life as i was told
had me coming and going and coming and going like a toy
turned me from a man into a sniveling little boy

she's got (she's got)
a cause (she thinks she has)
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2 Meanings

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Cover art for She's Got A Cause lyrics by Ministry

Given who we're listening to, this could well be a literal BDSM scenario. However, I suspect Uncle Al and I have had a similar experience: long term relationship with a narcissistic sociopath. They are experts at eroding one's boundaries unnoticeably until they're gone entirely. Look up the "boiled frog" scenario as an analogy. These people live to be served and have zero empathy or concern for anyone, even so called loved ones — because they cannot process love. You find yourself alone with no support network and worked to the point where you cannot even trust your own senses to help you make decisions. There are literally programs for survivors of the woman in this song, and the effects they're addressing are nothing short of PTSD.

Song Meaning
Cover art for She's Got A Cause lyrics by Ministry

I'm guessing this song is about being pussy whipped.