Nobody Knows Lyrics
Nobody knows but me
That I sometimes cry
If I could pretend that I'm asleep
When my tears start to fall
I peek out from behind these walls
I think nobody knows
Nobody knows no
Nobody likes to lose their inner voice
The one I used to hear before my life
Made a choice
But I think nobody knows
No no
Nobody knows
Oh the secret's safe with me
There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be
And baby don't it feel like I'm all alone
Who's gonna be there after the last angel has flown
And I've lost my way back home
I think nobody knows no
I said nobody knows
Nobody cares
And the road to darkness has a way
Of always knowing my name
But I think nobody knows
No no
Nobody knows no no no no
Oh the secret's safe with me
There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be
And baby don't it feel like I'm all alone
Who's gonna be there after the last angel has flown
And I've lost my way back home
And oh no no no no
Nobody knows
No no no no no no
I'll wake up and start all over again
When everybody else is gone
No no no
Nobody knows the rhythem of my heart
The way I do when I'm lying in the dark
And the world is asleep
I think nobody knows
Nobody knows
Nobody knows but me

i think it also means that even though she feels so lost and alone she is going to keep on going as if everything is okay, like she always does she is still going to be strong and help out those who need her but she still can't shake that feeling of emptiness that she feels and she is going to keep all of her doubt inside of her i also think she feels like no one can understand her, which is why she doesn't want to tell anyone its her own battle
yea that is right
yea that is right

I think this song is Pink telling herself she is the only person she can depend on. Especially in the chorus - "Baby Oh the secret's safe with me There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be" Calling herself "Baby" as if she's talking to her inner child.
My favorite line in the song is "There's nowhere else in the world that I could ever be" because to me it means no matter how many people abandon you in your life, you're always only goning to have yourself to trust and count on.
Xx Chel xX

I think this song is about a person who has made a choice in life, and it is making her sad. Maybe it was not the right choice and they feel all alone, like nobody could understand what she is feeling. And even though it is making her unhappy, she chooses to live with that choice instead of hurting anyone but herself. She will continue to live with the pain and regret that her choice has caused eventhough it causes her so much heartbreak. This is why she says "baby, the secrets safe with me"...there's nowhere else that i could ever be...tells me that she would not change whatever it is that makes her unhappy for whatever reason. Maybe because she doesn't want to hurt the people in her life that it could affect, so she feels like she has no choice but to live with the pain of her mistake. The part where she says, "the road to darkness has a way of always knowing my name"... to me, says she seems to always make bad choices through out her life but doesnt realize them until its to she is not surprised at being sad because she has always been there. But the ending tells me she is telling herself she is going to be strong and live with her mistakes and just deal with the pain and loneliness. "nobody knows the rythmn of my heart" She knows what's she's done and what she feels so it's okay she will just put on her mask of a happy face, and no one will know but herself how she is really hurting inside....."Nobody Knows".

I think this song is about many things. first i think this is a personal song for pink. i think she is writing about some choices or a choice that she has made that has made her feel alone or not loved. However the person she made the choice with she wants them to know she is still there for them and that even though she feels alone she will be by this persons side. I mean ya know if anybody else has any input feel free to correct me.

i agree that it's a personal song, but i also think it has religious undertones. like how it says "that inner voice i used to hear before my life made a choice" she's chosen to lead a different life. and "the road to darkness has a way of always knowing my name" she doesn't feel like she can change her life for the better, so she's come to accept that she'll always be attracted to the 'darkness'. also a lot of reference to angels. i think it's showing another side to pink that she doesn't really let show at the moment, and her voice sounds really good on this song. definately my favourite on the album.

i'm listening to this song right now, its very powerful. its really depressing, and i really like songs that make me cry so i really like this song.

onomatopoeia that is THE MOST EMO thing i think anyone can say on this website. be happy its okay to be happy you know!
anyway i don't really like this song but i do agree with clairex i htink this CAN have an underlying msg of religion

apparently the song is about a secret and the person who has this secret wants to unburden themselves and tell somebody. when she is saying that she is all alone it is because only she knows this secret or something along these lines anyway

i think it also means that even though she feels so lost and alone she is going to keep on going as if everything is okay, like she always does she is still going to be strong and help out those who need her but she still can't shake that feeling of emptiness that she feels and she is going to keep all of her doubt inside of her i also think she feels like no one can understand her, which is why she doesn't want to tell anyone its her own battle

I can see the religious undertones in the song, but i think it is P!nk talking to herself, like having a split personality. When I first heard the song, I thought she was telling us that she is all alone and doesn't want anyone to know that. But after reading the lyrics again and reading some of these posts...It becomes a more depressing song.
"Nobody likes
Nobody likes to lose their inner voice
The one I used to hear before my life
Made a choice
But I think nobody knows
No no
Nobody knows
No"...she is saying that she has no control over her life...She use to be a person that she knew, but somehow her life has taken over who she really is, and has given up to the darkness....She seems to give into the way her life is now and claiming there is nothing she can do about it, which is really quit depressing. The only part I can't seem to figure out is the ending when she says: "Tomorrow I'll be there my friend, I'll wake up and start all over again, When everybody else is gone, No no no"...It seems like she is telling herself that she will be there tomorrow,putting on a good face and start the day over again, but for whom, herself??!? Just doesn't fit in the song for me....Any ideas???