Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist Lyrics

Not long ago in my high school days
I watched a girl from so far away
But everytime she passed me by
I turned my head away and quietly sighed.
And when she walked by her hair would dance,
a secret tango that only I could understand
and if she asked for the time of day
I'd look her in the eyes and quietly say:

Kristina, Kristina; Do you have any clue who I am? (hell no)
So listen up because I'll tell you once
and I'll explain myself the best that I can.
Kristina, Kristina; You don't know me so I'll have to persist.
I'm kind of shy so don't wonder why:
Kristina she don't know I exist.

From class to class I followed her,
but I swore I'd leave her undisturbed
and if she ever stopped by and turned around
I got so nervous and I stared at the ground.
And then one day in photography
I foud a contact print that I could not believe
and there she was staring back at me
so I took her home so quietly.

One Seventeen Ninety-Eight.
It's been a day that I've come to hate.
As I walked into the video store
there she stood as my jaw fell to the floor.
Tapping her toe, and waiting in line,
with a movie and some other guy
Why did I bother? Why did I care?
About this girl named Kristina Behr?

Kristina, Kristina; You'll never get to know who I am.
This is goodbye so please don't cry
and I'll let you down as softly as I can.
Kristina, Kristina; another name to cross off my list.
In another life it could have been nice
but Kristina she won't know what she missed.
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Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

you have to wonder if kristina, wherever she is, is a streetlight fan

Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

this is like a stalker song written by a nerd to some random popular girl who was too cool for him. little did she know he grew up to be the tomas kalnoky, god among us godless followers.

i think this song is about two major things: first of, its about taking chances with the ones u love and going for the gold, and is a lesson of what happens if u dnt and how it just fills u with regret. also i think its about how popular people dont realize or care for the unpopular people and possibly kristina didnt get to know kalnoky not because kalnoky was shy, but bc she was so "high and mighty" in her own mind that tomas didnt even see a point in going up to her.

whatever its about its a masterpiece, but what slm song isnt?

Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

OMG tomas is being leik so blink 182 by being leik over leik 20 and leik still singing about a gurl he leik had leik a crush on in leik high school

Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

well since it was first realeased in 1998 and at some point it says 1/17/98 we can conclude that at that point it was quire recent... plus, this is only a re-record of the song so why would he have changed it?

Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

i agree with bob.

"I'm kind of shy so dont wonder why"

I think its really cool how the backup singer sings most of the song which defends that lyric of kalnoky being shy because its sort of like another person is telling his emotions for him, why? because he's shy.

I dont know if kalnoky did that on purpose but it's still really cool.

Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

this song is sad he should have just told kristina how he felt so he could feel all nice inside

Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

but he was shy, so its a fear, and saying your gonna overcome a fear and actually overcoming it is WAYYYYYY different.

Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

imhoterror is right. It ain't so easy to overcome your fears, but it's a whole ton easier to say that you will.

That would be absolutely hilarious Abnormallity...

Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

Wow, the solo in this is absoloutely mindblowing. Trumpets blaring, drums going, insanity put in music form. Amazing lyrics, and easy to relate to for us shy people.

Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto