Lyric discussion by AnarchoAtheistRudi 

Cover art for Kirstina She Don't Know I Exist lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

this is like a stalker song written by a nerd to some random popular girl who was too cool for him. little did she know he grew up to be the tomas kalnoky, god among us godless followers.

i think this song is about two major things: first of, its about taking chances with the ones u love and going for the gold, and is a lesson of what happens if u dnt and how it just fills u with regret. also i think its about how popular people dont realize or care for the unpopular people and possibly kristina didnt get to know kalnoky not because kalnoky was shy, but bc she was so "high and mighty" in her own mind that tomas didnt even see a point in going up to her.

whatever its about its a masterpiece, but what slm song isnt?