5 Meanings
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Ty Soglasna Lyrics

Ty boish'sya temnoty
No ne mozhesh' spat' pri svetye
Ty soglasna spat' s lyubym
Kto otvetit
Ty mechtayesh' pro lyubov'
No odnoi mechtat' opasno
Ty soglasna spat' s lyuboi
(You're afraid of darkness
But you can't sleep with the light
You agree to sleep with anyone
Who answers
You dream about love
But you're the one who dreams dangerously
You agree to sleep with anyone)

Ty soglasna...
Ty soglasna
Ty soglasna...
Ty soglasna
(You agree...
You agree
You agree...
You agree)

Eto samiy strashniy strah
Eta tishina uzhasna
Ty soglasna do utra
Ty soglasna
Ty ne ischesch' kto spaset
Ty reshila ne spasat'sya
Ty soglasna delat' vse
(It's a most terrible fear
The silence is awful
You agree till morning
You agree
You're not the bloodhound who'll rescue me
You've decided against be rescued
You agree to do it all)

Ty soglasna...
Ty soglasna
Ty soglasna...
Ty soglasna
(You agree...
You agree
You agree...
You agree)

I eto slozhno ponyat'
I nevozmozhno pomoch'
I nastupayet opyat'
Obyknovennaya noch'
I ya konechno ne vru
I ty konchno ne vresh'
Ya nikodga ne umru
Ty nikodda ne umresh'
(And it's hard to understand
And it's impossible to help
And it begins again
An ordinary night
And I certainly don't tell lies
And you certainly don't tell lies
I'll never die
You'll never die)

Ty soglasna...
Ty soglasna
Ty soglasna...
Ty soglasna
(You agree...
You agree
You agree...
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5 Meanings

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Cover art for Ty Soglasna lyrics by t.A.T.u.

I love how they use such serious subjects so whimsically.

Cover art for Ty Soglasna lyrics by t.A.T.u.

Where can I find this song? I have like 8 taty albums and none have this one... :-(

Cover art for Ty Soglasna lyrics by t.A.T.u.

i just love this song.. its just..wow~ but i think i kinda get the meaning about the girl that sleeps with anyone she gets but she isn't confidence with herself..

well, I'm just guessing..

Cover art for Ty Soglasna lyrics by t.A.T.u.

love this song, love Lena!

Cover art for Ty Soglasna lyrics by t.A.T.u.

I love this song! It's very catchy and easy to sing along I guess it's a about a girl who isn't confident who sleeps with anymore in order to get the feeling of love or something.