Broken Promises For Broken Hearts Lyrics

Pay attention my love cause its over
At the tip of my tongue is the price you weren't willing to pay
Still this is something akin to a breakdown
And your impression of a woman supposed to be easy to see

That there'd be torn up photos and lonely nights
Cursing crying and drawn out fights
Make up sex and a brand new start
Broken promises for broken hearts

When you look back now was it special?
Or was it nothing but anecdote that you can tell now and then
I delude myself it was worth it
Even though from the beginning I could see exactly how it would end

That there'd be torn up photos and lonely nights
Cursing crying and drawn out fights
Make up sex and a brand new start
Broken promises for broken hearts
Torn up photos and lonely nights
Cursing crying and drawn out fights
Make up sex and a brand new start
Broken promises for broken hearts

I wanna wish you away, I wanna wish you away
I wanna wish you away, I wanna wish you away?
I wana kiss you away

Torn up photos and lonely nights
Cursing crying and drawn out fights
Make up sex and a brand new start
Broken promises for broken hearts
Song Info
Submitted by
quietgreyeyes On Jan 19, 2006
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Cover art for Broken Promises For Broken Hearts lyrics by She Wants Revenge

hmm, well the songs about breakup and all the methods in making yourself feel better and that you feel it for a long time after and that you hate teh person and you just wanna wish them away but you cant cuz you're still in love with them...someone else plz interprit this

Cover art for Broken Promises For Broken Hearts lyrics by She Wants Revenge

I think this song is about being stuck in a relationship and not being able to get out. IE: make up sex, a brand new start. It's like they keep making up and getting together, where SWR singer knows, in all reality, they shouldn't be together, and wants to get rid of her. But it's also about how he knew he'd get into it, and finally being out of it, and trying to convince himself it was worth it. Yeah, it makes sense to me. x_x;

Cover art for Broken Promises For Broken Hearts lyrics by She Wants Revenge

i think this song is about trying to convince yourself that your relationship will work when you know it wasnt meant to be. so you keep breaking up and getting back together but in the end nothing ever works out the way you want it to.

Cover art for Broken Promises For Broken Hearts lyrics by She Wants Revenge

I think the promise is that you'd never let yourself in the same position again, but that promise is broken when the two of you get back together.

Cover art for Broken Promises For Broken Hearts lyrics by She Wants Revenge

I Agree So Much with All Of You

i Think the realationship is just based on sex and there using each other

both of them know thats it wrong yet they cant let go

and end up together anyway


just my 2 cents

Cover art for Broken Promises For Broken Hearts lyrics by She Wants Revenge

Yep, it's to the point

Cover art for Broken Promises For Broken Hearts lyrics by She Wants Revenge

"That there'd be torn up photos and lonely nights Cursing crying and drawn out fights Make up sex and a brand new start Broken promises for broken hearts "

awesome lyrics!!! love this song so much. and yeah its pretty straightforward.