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Tomorrow Is Already Here Lyrics

Originally this set up was to serve society.
Now the roles have been reversed.
That want society to serve the institutions.
Originally, serve society, serve society,
Roles have been reversed.
Institutions, alienation.
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Cover art for Tomorrow Is Already Here lyrics by Stereolab

Straightforward lyrics, I think, saying our corporations were meant to provide a service to society, rather than what it is now, where it's seen as a good thing to sacrifice your time and self for the profits of companies who are increasingly greedy and milking their employees while paying them near nothing compared to what those at the top are making. They don't serve society, they exploit citizens to gain more and more power. As corporations have gained personhood and free speech via money, of which they have billions and billions, society has been turned inside-out by globalism and corporate capitalism. Corporations control much of society, now, including government (I think this theme is referenced in Anonymous Collective) and wealth inequality is increasing. It's calling for this to change, for the institutions that we as a society set up to benefit the people rather than the few corporate leaders who gain excessive wealth while millions of citizens can't consistently meet basic needs.

maybe it's about something else though

@PairOFish I love this song, and the above comment