Saint Judas Lyrics
Sing your Sacred Harp, you be holier than the rest
Fill up the room with a grand and a thunderous song
Let it rattle out the windows, let it spill out on the lawn
Shout, shout your praises to the man who kissed the Lord
To the back stabbing brother that betrayed all of this world,
Your Judas
There's no greater evil than the darkness in your heart
Your stun guns, bloodhounds, needle and your razor wire
Your nylon shackle whipping post and your high tech burning tire,
Your Judas
Although you bound his feet, he running fast he running hard
Through them crickets in the corn and them horses in the field
Hear the "caw, caw" of the crows
See the devil at the wheel y'all, Judas
Oklahoma, Texas, Kentucky, Florida, Louisiana and Tennessee,
Georgia, Carolina, Carolina.

This song is about lynching and racism- not only from years ago, but also today.

"I wrote SAINT JUDAS in response to an exhibition at the New York Historical Society that contained the most difficult images I had ever seen. It was the history of lynching in photography. I knew that Mavis would understand my words and deliver them. I wanted to hear that incredible powerhouse of a voice, but I also asked her because of her close association with the Civil Rights movement. The Staples Singers wrote 'Freedom Highway' and 'Why Am I Treated So Bad?' during the acts of civil disobedience and desegregation in the Deep South. They sang along side Dr. Martin Luther King on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Singing with Mavis was an historic event for me." -N. Merchant
One of my most favorite songs; It took me years to look up the lyrics and the meaning. My Thanks
One of my most favorite songs; It took me years to look up the lyrics and the meaning. My Thanks

I'm surprised that this song did not get any radio air play, or media attention for that matter. But then again this was Merchant's last album on a huge record label and most songs; even the singles just kind of were swept by. Nonetheless Motherland is a great album, and this is one of my favorite songs on it. And yes, it is about lynching...Merchant has an amazing way of textually painting a scenario with her incredible lyrics.