24 Meanings
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I May Know The Word Lyrics

I may know the word
But not say it
I may know the truth
But not face it
I may hear a sound
A whisper sacred and profound
But turn my head

I may know the word
But not say it
I may love the fruit
But not taste it
I may know the way
To comfort and to soothe
A worried face
But fold my hands

If I'm on my knees
I'm begging now
If I'm on my knees
Groping in the dark
I'd be paying for deliverance
From the night into day

But it's all grey here
It's all grey to me

I may know the word
But not say it
This may be the time
But I might waste it
This may be the hour
Something move me
Someone prove me wrong
Before the night comes
With indifference

If I'm on my knees
I'm begging now
If I'm on my knees
Groping in the dark
I'd be praying for deliverance
From the night into the day

But it's all grey here
But it's all grey to me

I recognize the walls inside me
I recognize them all
I've paced between them
Chasing demons down
Until they fall
In fitful sleep
Enough to keep their strength
Enough to crawl
Into my head
With tangled threads
They riddle me to solve

Again and again and again
Song Info
Submitted by
kevin On Jun 10, 2001
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24 Meanings

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Cover art for I May Know The Word lyrics by Natalie Merchant

This song is about not being able to open up because of insecurities. She used a few metaphors to get the point across. Grey is used as a representative of the space between the night (black, darkness) and the day (white, light) Those two colors mixed or as it relates to the mood of the song are meshed together, which form gray.

My Interpretation

@neversaycant1 Actually you are way off as Natalie has stated the meaning of this song in several interviews and the meaning once explained is very obvious. The meaning for example is knowing what is right and not acting upon it ( she also said it applied to know the right thing to say and not saying it) and then later when you are alone say at night in your home thinking "I knew what was right when I saw what was wrong and did nothing, and regretting it. The grey is the grey area of indifference." These are Natalies words,...

@neversaycant1 Actually you are way off as Natalie has stated the meaning of this song in several interviews and the meaning once explained is very obvious. The meaning for example is knowing what is right and not acting upon it ( she also said it applied to know the right thing to say and not saying it) and then later when you are alone say at night in your home thinking "I knew what was right when I saw what was wrong and did nothing, and regretting it. The grey is the grey area of indifference." These are Natalies words,...

Cover art for I May Know The Word lyrics by Natalie Merchant

The lyrics speak of knowing the right thing to do but failing to do it - due to indifference, fear, and maybe depression as many have noted. She is able to cheer up someone, or say the much needed word - but doesn't do it. The gray is, I believe, that cloudy uncertainty which we all live in at time, which prevents us from acting, "facing the truth", listening to the soft voice of spirituality, or even making decisions, even though we know what should be done. That's my take on it. I think it's much bigger than just falling in love with someone.

Song Meaning

TOTALLY with you here. I don't read this song as a wallowing in depression unless it's the kind of 'stuck' that comes with feeling like fixing a problem, addressing a wrong, speaking out against injustice is exhausting as there seems to be a never ending need.

Cover art for I May Know The Word lyrics by Natalie Merchant

truly beautiful song

Cover art for I May Know The Word lyrics by Natalie Merchant

This is one of my favorite songs. It's so hard to to do anything for others when you are deeply depressed.


Cover art for I May Know The Word lyrics by Natalie Merchant

This is textbook depression. I can't think of a better song that describes the symptoms.

The lack of appetite. The wallowing in the "darkness." The feeling of indifference. The feeling of not being in touch with the world.

I think psychologists should use this song as a diagnostic tool to determine if someone is suffering depression. If they can relate to this song too well, then they need some serious therapy.

Cover art for I May Know The Word lyrics by Natalie Merchant

I'm a convert to the catholic faith and have loved Natalie Merchant's music since well before that. Today this song is reminding me of the holy souls who are suffering in purgatory. The Word is Jesus Christ made flesh for us and from whom all our relief comes. The Holy Souls suffer because their prayers can no longer help to deliver them from their painful night into His glorious Day...however, our prayers CAN help them, if only we do not turn our heads, indifferent. +M

Cover art for I May Know The Word lyrics by Natalie Merchant

There are so many things about this song that could be interpretted. I dont even know where to begin.

Cover art for I May Know The Word lyrics by Natalie Merchant

Depressed, guilty, hopeless, miserable and going out of one's mind song. "Tigerlilly" is a very depressing album in general.

Cover art for I May Know The Word lyrics by Natalie Merchant

How are there only 3 comments? This is one of her best songs. For me, its all about falling in love but being afraid to tell the person you love.

Cover art for I May Know The Word lyrics by Natalie Merchant

To me this song is about someone wanting to do something but being to afraid to do it because they're afraid afraid of letting their guard down for fear of being hurt, betrayed or let down.