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The Path Lyrics

There is no turning back.. from this unending path of mine.
Serpentine and black, it stands before my eyes.
To hell and back.. it will lead me once more.
It's all I have.. as I stumble in and out of grace.

I walk through the gardens.. of dying light,
and cross all the rivers, deep and dark as the night,
searching for a reason.. why time would've passed us by.

With every step I take, the less I know myself,
and every vow I break on my way towards your heart.
Countless times I've prayed.. for forgiveness,
but gods just laugh in my face.
And this path remains, leading me into solitude's arms.

I see through the darkness.. my way back home.
The journey seems endless, but I'll carry on.
The shadows will rise and.. they will fall,
and our night drowns in dawn.

Amidst all the tears, there's a smile,
that all angels greet with an envious song.
One look into stranger's eyes, and I know where I belong.

I walk through the gardens.. of dying light,
and cross all the rivers, deep and dark as the night,
searching for a reason.. why time would've passed us by.

Oh, I see through the darkness.. my way back home.
The journey seems endless, but I'll carry on.
The shadows will rise and.. they will fall,
and our night drowns in dawn, yeah.
The shadows, they rise and they fall, yeah,
and our night drowns in dawn.
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27 Meanings

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Cover art for The Path lyrics by HIM

I can relate to this song quite well. For me it is about an individual search for the place they belong, possibly spiritually, or just finding a path in life for them to follow. It could also be about coming to terms with a break up or the loss of someone close. The writer is resigned to follow the path he sees for himself, recognising that it'll take him through the darkest of places but he carries on because he knows that there will be light at the end of this dark path, 'our night drowns in dawn'.

Cover art for The Path lyrics by HIM

this song really describes for me lifes ups and downs, and how we deal with them personally,also all the obstacles we encounter and how life is not an easy thing. Ville Valo is by far my personal favorite Songwriter, he knows how to put things into perspective in such an artistic way

Cover art for The Path lyrics by HIM

This song is so amazing. I can agree with the both of you. What gets me about this song is that I can emotionally relate to it, but I can't pinpoint exactly why. The path may be one away from the fake light of many religions to what you believe is truly the Creator(s) of all. It may seem dark to everyone else, but you know that it comforts you; it's home to you. It could also be about the many choices we have in life; some are dark, but ultimately, they all lead to the light of the present or soon-to-be future. Or it could be about the path of life that you follow, which gets very dark and troublesome at times. Even the most terrible and uncertain "things" in life can turn out to be the light for you while on your path. Life may be dark (unclear/uncertain), but there is a light through that darkness (be it an afterlife or just a cease to all of the pain and bittersweetness of life). Like I said, I can't pinpoint why it is such a strong song, but it can mean so much at different times. The instrumentation is purely amazing here, which is what greatly enhances the lyrics. This is easily one of my favorite songs (or the best?) by this incredible band.

Cover art for The Path lyrics by HIM

this song is very appealing to me, i can agree that there is deep meaning in this song. my friend and i love this song so much that we have recently started making an unofficial video for this song. it's about a guy who starts his journey down the path of life seeking for the light of his life at the end. if anyone would like to know more about this please e-mail me at bretthim666@3mail.com i would like to hear your suggestions about what we could do. i think this is one of the best songs that him have done, but i can't decide which is the best because they are all so amazing!

Cover art for The Path lyrics by HIM

thank god there isnt someone takin the piss outa this song... i love it

i think this song is about, as you say, searching for yourself... but its an unending path, thats why its put out in such a sad way... cos he isnt finding himself.

i also agree why you cant 'pinpoint' it as such a strong song, komplexnous, i think its somewhere in the lyrics, they really strike home with me... i spent a long time like that and im pretty much out of it now, but i still feel like this sometimes, and i thjink its great that it can be summed up in one song that whenever i feel down i can listen to and feel so much better.

Cover art for The Path lyrics by HIM

heh, cool. this song is amazing. im quite sure tha ive heard this song somewhere before, yknow, the piano-y bits.

maybe its just somethimng that sounds like it though

hey the piano intro is also used on hallejuah.

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Cover art for The Path lyrics by HIM

H.I.M. IS THE "GREATEST" BAND IN THE WORLD!!!!! I heard one song and was addicted. Its like crack for me. ITS ADDICTING!!!! I ALWAYS listen to H.I.M. Even when i go to sleep, eat my 3 meals, sk8t, play games, etc. I just can't get enough. What i really, really, really want to do is go to a concert!!! That would be wickedly awesome!!! I think "ALL" the songs are freakin sweat!!! I not tired of any of the songs!!!

Cover art for The Path lyrics by HIM

Ville Valo and his group His Infernal Majesty (aka H.I.M.) are truly at the pinical of modern music... music today seems to be roll-overs and spin offs of other bands that have had thier day along time ago, whereas H.I.M. created its own genre. Love Metal...3 parts soothing... 3 parts edgy... 5 parts sexy, 4 parts romance, 5 parts metal and 10 parts pure passion...
the song the path i would have to say it is not only a song but something of true art, passion and something almost everybody can relate to at one point in thier life or another... the path, to me, sounds like a song that is about searching in the dark and not knowing what to expect.... and that life isnt easy.... there will always be ups and downs..... but thigns usually work out in the end....

keep up the good work Ville Valo

Cover art for The Path lyrics by HIM

gah.. this song is such an inspiration for me. i just get a sense of never give up no matter what happens and how long the road seems, keep going. and follow it up with loves requiem and they make such a powerful duo. theres always hope, no matter how dark and lost you are, there is somewhere and someone you belong to and with, where you are accepted no matter what youve gone through or seen to reach it. very inspirational. Ville Valo = God of Lyrics

Cover art for The Path lyrics by HIM

best lyrics ville has ever done. enough said