Burnt Vacant Red Lyrics
machine washed your letters and tore up your pictures
your hatred, the floor, your love, the cieling
Burnt Vacant Red....
I know it's not a song, it's a poem off revolution on canvas.. theres an mp3 of it though that you can get ... just thought i'd throw it up here
ha ha yes I love this poem!! Doctors waiting room is good too. Everyone says Andrew is a good writer...But i just connect with Josh so much more...He is a nice guy...where can You find the mp3
I got it off Absolutepunk.net you could look around there.. good luck on finding it, i could try and send it to you on aol, Simonell101..
i love that book, and that poem. shouldn't the doctors waiting room also be up here?
i love that book, and that poem. shouldn't the doctors waiting room also be up here?
I also love that book.i dont like alot of poems with rhme schemes,but i really like this one alot
i just got this book and i love it. where can u get the mp3 on Absolutepunk.net?
is the title of the book evolution on canvas? where can i get one
its revolution on canvas...you can get it at hot topic (gag) or online somehwere..i love this poem