11 Meanings
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The Room Lyrics

In a room you can build a home
Plant the seed and life begins to grow
When it's outgrown life inside
How will it live?
And will it survive?
On it's own outside

I wonder if the world is just the same
And does the life that I knew still remain
Journey to the life outside
Return to those I left behind

'Cause I'm ready to go now
Yes I'm ready to go now

I wanna get back to the city
Get on with my life
Cause I've done my time
And I'm ready to go now

So now it's time to leave the room
And not for one minute too soon
If you spent 16 years
Then you'd almost understand

Time waits for no man to return
A whole new set of rules to learn
It had been 16 years
Since they put me in the cell

We will never leave
We ain't ever gonna leave the room
We could be here for life
We will never leave the room

And as it all gets rearranged
You find that everything has changed
And there's no place for you
In this foreign world

You always believed
One day you'd be free
And never return so soon

If I lent my arms to you
Would you hold me
And embrace me
Or replace me

We will never leave
We ain't ever gonna leave the room
We could be here for life
We will never leave the room
Song Info
Submitted by
omegatle On May 20, 2004
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11 Meanings

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Cover art for The Room lyrics by Living End, The

About somebody leaving prison, and trying to pick up the pieces of ther old life.

Cover art for The Room lyrics by Living End, The

i agree. Have you seen shawshank redemption? Something similar to that. You've been in prison for so long and when you leave everything is different, it's like your in a "foreign world". And you'd rather stay in your cell where you know what's going on than go out into the world. If you haven't seen shawshank, i highly recommend it, great movie.

Cover art for The Room lyrics by Living End, The

yeah agreed. i think this is the second part to the story of "hold up", about a guy who robs banks, than in "the room" his in gettin released from jail. for those who dont have modern artilary, hold up is the track before "the room" both awesome songs

Cover art for The Room lyrics by Living End, The

Yeah i have Modern Artilary, also awesome song. I agree with you guys, it's about a guy leaving prison, but when he leaves, everything is just so different to the prison cell he was in for 16 years. The first verse is real clever, it's like a metaphore to he's life in prison. You can plant a seed, put it in a pot indoors, it'll get used to the weather, the conditions. if you move it outside suddenly, would it survive with the different conditions? Chris is reffering to the guy of the song, and would he survive in the outside world. Obviously, it says that 'he's ready to go now' he's ready to get out of prison, back to his real life. He finds out that the outside world was not what he expected, it's different, and as guitaristTLE says, 'foreign' to him. The one thing i don't understand is the chorus, why does he say 'we will never leave the room?' when he's obviously, reffering to the cage his spent 16 years of his life with, is it coz he's so used to it, that he's grown to it's surroundings, like the plant? i don't know, maybe i'm wrong but thats what i've always thought...

Cover art for The Room lyrics by Living End, The

with wat CoinXOperatedXGirl girl said "The one thing i don't understand is the chorus, why does he say 'we will never leave the room?'" maybe its just such an important part of his life he never really left it.

wat i do know is this song is fukin awesome live. They sang it at a show in Sydney as part of their state of emergency tour and it was..............indescribeable

Cover art for The Room lyrics by Living End, The

We will never leave We ain't ever gonna leave the room We could be here for life We will never leave the room

maybe like he spent so long in there that its changed him and he'll always remember it and it'll always be a part of him, but not in a good way.

Cover art for The Room lyrics by Living End, The

If I lent my arms to you Would you hold me And embrace me Or replace me

has to be one of the best verses in living end history

Cover art for The Room lyrics by Living End, The

i agree that it about this guy who's been in jail for a long time. the first verse is about how people (these plants) react to change in environments and how it doesn't usually work well. then the next two verses are about what he want's to do when he gets out, return to his life, his loved ones and that it would be the same as before. then after 16 years, he gets out. he talks about how he know's it's going to be hard returning to normal life and that no one can really understand what he's going through. the chorus confuses me, but i think it is about if you have spent so much time in one place, you can't go back, you might never leave the room so to speak. it says "we" as well, so it could relate not only to people in jail, but any people trying to pick up they're old life. the next verse is about him struggling to pick up his old life, there is no place for him and everything has changed. then the last verse confirms this. he starts to question everyone else he knows and if they can accept him again, or think of him differently. it is like his experience in jail has made him someone else, and that he is still in "a room" and can't get out or be accepted. it is really sad, but i love this song to death. the final verse and chorus are just so powerful. a worthwhile 6 minute song.

We will never leave We ain't ever gonna leave the room We could be here for life We will never leave the room

think about it. could you pick up your old life???


Cover art for The Room lyrics by Living End, The

If I lent my arms to you Would you hold me And embrace me Or replace me

maybe that is him returning to his partner and he doesnt know if she will remeber him or if she'd moved on

yeah this song was awesome in Sydney, too bad its not on the live at festival hall DVD

Cover art for The Room lyrics by Living End, The

i reckon that all the verses are about him thinking he can leave, but in the end he decides the world is too foreign for him so he returns to prison.