12 Meanings
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Jennifer Lopez Lyrics

excuse me
is it true what they say?
about guys who go out by themselves?
is that they go home by themselves
you've seen me dance here alone before
is it tough to watch
friday after friday?
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12 Meanings

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Cover art for Jennifer Lopez lyrics by Xiu Xiu

i just spent my friday night sitting around and playing video games... im glad i had this song to listen to.

Cover art for Jennifer Lopez lyrics by Xiu Xiu

i think you're both right.

i actually think i identify with jamie for giving the song this title.

ive actually always thought that jennifer lopez is a pretty tragic example of someone who is an entertainer and dancer and goes on stage and puts on the guise of being happy, but on a more personal level is kind of lost and unhappy and... keeps marrying people...desperately making unsucessful efforts to find someone to take away her loneliness, that always end in divorce

"you've seen me dance here alone before is it tough to watch friday after friday? "

Cover art for Jennifer Lopez lyrics by Xiu Xiu

I think the meaning of the title is more straight forward. Jamie said that Xiu Xiu came about after he came home one night from a gay club in San Jose. He has obviuosly gone out alone to gay clubs, and Jennifer Lopez's songs are frequently played at gay dance clubs.

Cover art for Jennifer Lopez lyrics by Xiu Xiu

The lyrics themselves are pretty self explanatory, but Im not too sure how the title fits. Maybe the speaker of the song is singing to Jennifer Lopez, who is basically an image of the screen - it heightens the sense of alienation you empathetically feel for the speaker.

One of my favourite Xiu Xiu songs.

Cover art for Jennifer Lopez lyrics by Xiu Xiu

I think the title is in there just to be funny/ironic.

Cover art for Jennifer Lopez lyrics by Xiu Xiu

I personally think it's the artists way of having this song titled "jennifer lopez" just because he saw her on television right after he wrote this song he could have spent nights alone to strip clubs in L.A. reminding him of these latina women performing here while he's alone on a friday night.

Cover art for Jennifer Lopez lyrics by Xiu Xiu

this is one of their best songs to me. the intro is amazing. what's that instrument? sounds like a saw to me...i think jamie goes out by himself and people watch him funny...and he doesnt like that pretty much...those people are like jennifer lopez which he doesn't really like i think...

Cover art for Jennifer Lopez lyrics by Xiu Xiu

that instrument is a cello. Read interviews, as many as you can. itll help you get the song/title

Cover art for Jennifer Lopez lyrics by Xiu Xiu

the cello at the begining reminds me of the dont be fooled by the rocks that i got song that jlo has. i dont know the title. im not ht ebiggest fan.

Cover art for Jennifer Lopez lyrics by Xiu Xiu

The lyrics reminds me of How Soon Is Now? by the smiths, the part "there's a club, if you'd like to go..you could meet somebody who really loves you. So you go, and you stand on your own, and you leave on your own, and you go home, and you cry and you want to die."

same kinda concept..