It's My Life (Talk Talk cover) Lyrics
If I could buy my lusus I'd pay to lose
Pupa Pan won't do
I've asked myself
How much do you
Wriggle yourself?
Don't you forget
It's my fucking 8-eyed life
It never ends
I never knew how to be a troll
If I was sometimes yiffed upon by Jade Harley
Afraid to lose Tavros and John
I'd tell myself what good does John Egbert do?
Convince myself
Don't you forget
It's my homestuck quadrants life
It never ends
How much does Jade Dog Tier, Tavros, and John Egbert
Commit themselves?
Don't you forget
Caught in the lusus's death
It never ends
Don't you forget
Caught in the lusus's death
It never ends
Don't you forget
Caught in the lusus's death
It never ends

This song is about this person in a relationship with someone who's treating her badly.
"It's funny how I found myself in love with you" (He's doing all this stuff to her, yet she still loves him)
"If I could buy my reasoning I'd pay to lose" (Even if she could reason with herself and walk away she wouldn't)
"One half won't do" (She wants this person to commit fully to her, she doesn't want just half)
"I've asked myself How much do you Commit yourself?" (She wonders how much he really commits himself to her and their relationship)
"Funny how I blind myself I never knew" (She refuses to see the flaws in the relationship or in her partner)
"If I was sometimes played upon Afraid to lose" (He's probably lied to her a thousand times, but she refuses to call him on it because she's afraid to lose him.)
"I'd tell myself what good do you do? Convince myself" (She wonders what good he really does her)
"It's my life Don't you forget It's my life It never ends" (In the chores I think she's saying that it's her life je shouldn't forget that she can end this relationship anytime, but she doesn't want to.)
That's what I think it means, I don't understand what people are saying when they say this song is about animals. There were animals in the original video video with Talk Talk, but I'm not sure if the song has anything to do with animals. I think they were just showing life in all it's forms when they showed them in the video.
>We all need to be heard and understood
//"One half won't do" (She wants this person to commit fully to her, she doesn't want just half)//
>We all need to be heard and understood
//"One half won't do" (She wants this person to commit fully to her, she doesn't want just half)//
You make great points, the part I quoted from your post is the most interesting. Instead of breaking up her relationships- admitting failure she would rather kill her partners. She can't admit she made bad choices or can't come to terms she needs guideance in choosing her mates... insecurity plays a big role.
You make great points, the part I quoted from your post is the most interesting. Instead of breaking up her relationships- admitting failure she would rather kill her partners. She can't admit she made bad choices or can't come to terms she needs guideance in choosing her mates... insecurity plays a big role.
I love this song and I can relate whole heartedly. The oringnal was good but Gwen blows it...
I love this song and I can relate whole heartedly. The oringnal was good but Gwen blows it out of the water.
I heard that Talk Talk was fighting with their record label for artistic control. The zoo animals in the video symbolized the band and how they felt imprisoned by the record label's restrictions.
I heard that Talk Talk was fighting with their record label for artistic control. The zoo animals in the video symbolized the band and how they felt imprisoned by the record label's restrictions.

i loved this song since the first time i heard it. i love gwen.

it's not your fault when a half committed narcissist won't return to you what you invest in them. stop convincing yourself to stay. it's your life. you can't get it back. get out and find a better mate.

How dare you mess up this song so badly!!

I admit I prefer the original. :|
I agree.
I agree.

Great tune, shame the lyrics are wrong on this

Ive looked for the lyrics for this . The two I found aren
t even close. caught in the crowd sounds close. suck my toe??

This song is THE BEST SONG I have ever heard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree! I cracked up when I read suck my toe! By the way, I think it's Cold in the ground... just a suggestion.

love the video, and the music is awesome but a bit too synthesized. as for the lyrics.. well.. those could leave a little something to be desired. i think this was an attempt at appealing to the masses. to me, this doesn't represent no doubt's true style.