The Dreadful Hours Lyrics
I have become so afraid
Mother please, please take me down
I am sorry, your boy is not brave
Sleep if you can. But watch your father's hand
Father of the dark. Tonight will greet you
Help me Oh Lord. They're coming for me
Mother warned me. Father scorned me
Oh my God No. Now I hear him
within sight of your own God
Oh child, sleep will be here soon
Your life has only ever been shame
And so young boy, my hand brings doom
Child, please come awake. Please my tiny son

I believe this song is about a small boy who is mistreated by his father. He thinks himself a terrible son. One night, his father goes too far and finally beats him to death. When his mother sees what has happened, she begs in vain for her son to wake up but it's too late. He is already gone.
I agree, one of the best songs I've ever heard. Very bleak.

I remember reading an interview online at the time of album release, where Aaron stated that its about a child being abused and beaten by his father. Pretty much the same as Ragebox speculated.

This is the best damn song i've ever heard , so sad

Ragebox has it. wipes a tear

very, very sad. one of the best songs i have ever heard. i agree with ragebox. at first, i thought that this was based on that biblical story when the family had to hide their baby son in the river (because the leader was massacring all newborns etc)

one of my favourite songs

If this is about God, the virgin Mary and Christ, then god must be one evil dude. For me, though, this song is simply about a father taking out his anger on his son, and maybe there's a sense of the son crying out to god for help. I've been there, too.

dont think its about God, Mother and christ.. since he say "I claim your life on this night .. within sight of your own God" and its his father who claims his life "Child, won't you awake. Father has gone"

you know, i personally think that it very well COULD mean it is about Christ's passion, or the dreadful hours. "Mother will you take me down?" - could refer to the pieta (when Mary takes her son down from the cross) "i have become so afraid" - might refer to that he was afraid and sad since he knew that he would die the death he had. "Mother, PLEASE take me down, i'm sorry your boy is not brave" - perhaps a temptation of Jesus, because he was God but also a man, meaning he was tempted like all of us. "Child just hold on, night will soon be gone" - meaning it's over soon "Sleep if you CAN, but watch your father's hand" - in other words, since he is a man as well, he COULD sleep through it, ending much of the suffering, but he must WATCH what his father (God) wants.
We do not want you. No-body loves you Father of the dark. Tonight will greet you - the devil, being the father of the dark, could be telling Jesus that nobody loves him. As well as saying that "Father of the dark TONIGHT will greet you" refering to Christ's three day decent into hell after his death on the cross.
thats why i think it COULD refer to the Lord Jesus, but the rest of the song also gives off something different. Lots of ambiguity that's forsure!

God in heaven, can you hear me - referes to "My god, why have you forsaken me"
Help me Oh Lord. They're coming for me - when Jesus prays in the garden of gesthemane asking father to take the cup from him if he is willing.
Mother warned me. Father scorned me - could mean that his mother warned him of his choices, and his father (God) allowed it all to happen to fulfill the meaning why Jesus was sent
The silence, the waiting then the pain Oh child, sleep will be here soon Your life has only ever been shame And so young boy, my hand brings doom - the whole first half of the stanza could refer to him in the garden of gesthemane. The second half could be meaning that God saying to the people his life is shame, and that God's hand must allow Christ to die.
Child, won't you awake. Father has gone Child, please come awake. Please my tiny son - "Father has gone" could refer to Jesus being on the cross when he calls out "Why have you forsaken me"