Satan My Master (Bathory cover) Lyrics

Satan My Master
I slit my wrists to drain me of my blood
Satan My Master
Up side down I turn the cross of God

Satan My Master
Recieve this sacrifice this blood of mine
Satan My Master
I cut into my rotten flesh your signs

Satan My Master
Remember me when judgement day is near
Satan My Master
Take my hand when Armageddon is here
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Cover art for Satan My Master (Bathory cover) lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

HAHAHA are you kidding me. It says "Satan My Master, remember me when judgement day is near". Buddy, God is gonna be the Judge at judgement day. Why would you want to be on Satans side on judgement day? That means you go to hell and didn't you read that hell isn't the place you want to be when you die. Satan lies! Did you forget that? No matter what he promises you in the afterlife he's gonna break that promise.

Cover art for Satan My Master (Bathory cover) lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

I know, Codey. Don't get me wrong! I'm a very open-minded person. Even if a feel that a person's belief system is false, I don't hate people because of their religion. I'm a former Catholic, now Baptist, but I have friends whom I love that are not. However, I do wonder about people who worship Satan. I mean, is there goal in life to burn in Hell after their bodies die? I usually hate to say universal things about an entire group of people, but people who worship Satan must either hate themselves or have a mental problem. Who in their right mind likes to feel pain and burn?! Think about it...

Cover art for Satan My Master (Bathory cover) lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

If you dont like the lyrics, quit searching for songs about satan to bitch about. Go listen to Mortification. Most bands when talking about Satan are using the character as a way to free themselves from christianity's opression, and as a symbol of the things christianity is trying to get out of man (his animalistic side)

Cover art for Satan My Master (Bathory cover) lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

If they don't believe what you believe, there's a good chance they don't beleive they'll be going to hell. According to Christianity in the first place, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Taoists, Atheists, etc. are all going to hell anyway, all the Chirstians who've tried to convert me don't seem to think that if you're not already a christian, you're as good as worshiping The Dark Lord anyway. PLus, I'm pretty sure neither of you knows much about the Church of Satan anyway. I think that's the point these guys were trying to make in the ifrst place, the song seems to say more about Christianity than Satanism. It's also meant to piss off you self-righteous hypocrites as well.

Just remember that religion and belief in Gods in the first place was just a means of controlling, oppressing, discriminating and manipulating. Religious people always seem to forget about the origins of organised religion in the first place, they always seem to focus just on the "miracles" and Mohamed and Jesus et al.

Cover art for Satan My Master (Bathory cover) lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

Funeeralmoon's right, they use Satan as a symbol to show their vehement opposition to what organised religion and the beliefs, actions and people that go with it stand for to them.

Cover art for Satan My Master (Bathory cover) lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

fuckin jesus freaks. Dimmu Borgir receit from the heart. like you christians were born christian. you grew up listening to what your mommys and daddys taught you having no idea what anything truely meant. its all a facade. satanism is a religion like any other. if you dont wanna appreiciate it, then go shoot urself in the temple and realize your ending up no where but a grave and being non-existent.

Cover art for Satan My Master (Bathory cover) lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

im with shadowwiththeeyes on this one, this song isnt really about modern satanism like some of the other stuff DB does (like progenies of the great apocalypse). Its just an old balls-to-the-wall rebellious song.

They were probably just celebrating black metal's history or whatever, tossing in something that people new to the genre might never have heard of.

Anyway, it seems that even older, more mindless black metal has served its ultimate purpose: upsetting christians. Bathory wrote an awsome song, Dimmu Borgir played that awsome song. I love it! Hail Satan (metaphorically of course ;) )

Cover art for Satan My Master (Bathory cover) lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

Shadowwiththeeyes, your information is a little off. I'm referring to your "If they don't believe what you believe" theory. Those who worship Satan, by DEFINITION, NOT theory or opinion, do believe that in Christianity's teachings and that Jesus Christ is Lord and God; however, they are against God and do not worship Him. They worship Jesus's opposite, Satan, and they DO believe that they will spend an eternity in Hell. Since that worship Satan, they actually WISH to end up in Hell. I'm not even making fun of Satanism here; this IS their belief.

Cover art for Satan My Master (Bathory cover) lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

Chrissy3784, no that's not correct. The concept of Satan or an "evil god" to rival the so-called "one true god" is not originally a christian concept. There's a difference between Modern Satanism(Satan is a symbol of the inner self and desires. Modern Satanism is atheistic) and Traditional Satanism(Followers believe in Satan and worship Satan as a god). Most "Satanists" you see are Modern Satanists. Modern Satanism is a philosophy, not a religion. You should maybe read more into it and The Satanic Bible if you want to get a better understanding. Traditional Satanism is more a form of paganism. They view Satan as their god and the (monotheistic) god as the enemy. And really, in Christian mythology, Satan never does get to tell his side of the story does he? They certainly don't "believe" in christianity--at least not your side of the story.

And no, I don't believe in god, jesus, or satan or any of that other stuff, I'm an atheist. But your ignorance of the subject is letting Dimmu Borgir do exactly what they want to do--offend you.

Cover art for Satan My Master (Bathory cover) lyrics by Dimmu Borgir

Satan worshippers suck. But this is not actually satan worshipping. More like satanism. Denying everything and scaring people. Belive me theres not many satan worshippers. More like satanic people. Church of satan my friends church of satan. That`l exlpain you stuff. My self..i was born as a skeptic and il die as one. But this song is great. Not much sense but good drinking music.