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We Are The Few Lyrics

dear mr. gepetto: i hope this finds you well
i wrote you this letter
because we miss you here in hell

well now i know it's hard when you don't know what to think
and every single smile us a foil and you're waking up
you might try but you won't get by until you're crucified for all the things you try to do
well i don't care if you sink or swim
and i don't care how you hold it in
as long as you don't bother me with all the things i don't bother you with
and 9 times out of 10 you might be right
but what about that time you know you're wrong?
you sing that same song
and everybody smiles but they'll never get along

i'm trying and i'm trying and i'm trying and i'm trying to let go:
but everybody's going down tonight

we are the few that won't say nothing right
we are the footsteps fading into the night
nobody cares and nobody stares with such conviction and i say:
i never wanted this, no one ever wanted this
but they gave it to you so you might as well be proud of it
i don't know where we went wrong
all i know is i got to do something right

come clean
no one should have have to live with the things you've seen
but you're living anyway
so can't stop the car and put her in park
and i step outside (god i hate this part)
when i see what i saw what i thought was a life that was more
than a chore and just doing what i need to get by
i don't care if you leave or stay
but you might as well split
because it's not the same as it was
when we said our last goodbye
and if you want the truth: i was hoping one of us would pass away
because it'd be much easier then
we would all get together and think about when
we were young we were dumb we were numb but in love
and i'm done so i'm sending out this letter today

i'm trying and i'm trying and i'm trying and i'm trying to let go:
but everybody's going down tonight

we are the few that won't say nothing right
we are the footsteps fading into the night
nobody cares and nobody stares with such conviction and i say:
i never wanted this, no one ever wanted this
but they gave it to you so you might as well be proud of it
i don't know where we went wrong
all i know is i got to do something right

this has been the best night of my life
this has been the best night of my life
i could have lost my life
and i would have lost my mind
but now i'm fine
and i find
that this has been the best night of my life
this has been the best night of my life(i still can't believe they had the heart to apologize)
this has been the best night of my life(i still can't believe they had the heart to apologize)
i could have lost my life
and i would have lost my mind
but now i'm fine
and i find
that this has been the best night of my life

and as the day fades
no one investigates
nobody answers as she calls his name
another victim, somewhere in a shallow grave
i want to hold her and tell her: it's not your fault

na na na...

and as the day fades
no one investigates
nobody answers as she calls his name
another victim, somewhere in a shallow grave
i want to hold her and tell her: it's not your fault

na na na...
it's not your fault

we are the few that won't say nothing right
we are the footsteps fading into the night
nobody cares and nobody stares with such conviction and i say:
i never wanted this, no one ever wanted this
but they gave it to you so you might as well be proud of it
i don't know where we went wrong
all i know is i got to do something right

i never wanted this, no one ever wanted this
but they gave it to you so you might as well be proud of it
i don't know where we went wrong
all i know is i got to do something right
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49 Meanings

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Cover art for We Are The Few lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

well then why dont you be a sweetheart and tell us the real meaning...cause i'm willing to bet the four track demo isnt easy to find.

thats not all i wanted to say, so just kinda pretend these are two separate comments

you know whats so great about streetlight to me? all the choruses or refrains or whatever you called them are really anthemic...and i really hate it when bands use the word anthem in their songs (bad charlott, blink 182, even saves the day who i love) but these guys really deserve it. cause honestly, every refrain is just...i dunno, relieving to sing at the top of your lungs, whether your at a concert or in your car with the windows and the volume all the way up just singing (even the big sleep, and thats just "na na na..."). This song is the best example off of the cd in my opinion (i never realized how much that word looks like onion). its not my favorite, but it has the best chorus. its just plain awesome. bravo

Cover art for We Are The Few lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

I like how "all I know now is that I've gotta do something right" changes to "all I know now is that I've gotta do something.... right?" at the end of the song. Like, instead of saying he has to do the right thing, he's just looking for confirmation that he just has to do something. Or maybe I misinterpretted that part. But that's my take and if it's correct I like what he did there.

@Jimmifrisbee I noticed that! I like that too!

Cover art for We Are The Few lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

This is one of the best songs on the album, my favorites being either this or Point/Counterpoint. And by the way, it's not about being in a car crash, breaking up with a girlfriend, catch 22, etc. I think this song is a letter written to God (hence: Dear Mr. Gepetto, since God is controlling all humans, his puppets) and even going so far as to saying that "You'll be crucified for all of the things you try to do."It's about all of the hardships which we face here on earth (here in hell), which he spends the rest of the song entailing then goes on to entail all of the different things we deal with as humans. On an unrelated note, does anyone know when the new album is coming out?

Cover art for We Are The Few lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

I can't help but question the intelligence of any moron who thinks this is about a car crash. I swear you fuckers are so used to shitty bands you don't realize to understand Tomas Kalnoky songs you have to read between the lines. It is about relationships. Mainly about how saying good bye is the hardest part, followed by the awkward meetings when you run into eachother.

preach if brutha, some real retard guesses on here. can't even tell who's trolling and who's just retarded. no offense to those who are actually retarded. probably still smarter than most of the people on here.

@theidle you don't have to be an asshole about it, let people think what ever they want.

Cover art for We Are The Few lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

"And final there's we are the few. yet again a number of songs mushed into one long ass tune. The verses deal with a certain place I hold dear to my heart and how it feels to visit such a place when you're older and , well, not so innocent anymore. for the record i no longer wish one of us would pass away, it was an excuse to see ghosts from the past that probably are best kept that way. in the past. not ghosts. nevermind. the middle chuck, the calm before the storm part, was written during a period of my time when little girls were being stolen from their homes and families by bad, bad people. it seems like this kind of horrible shit happens in waves or something. but then you realize it's always happening, it's just that it becomes a 'thing' for the media to exploit for a while kind of like when they have those 'shark attack summers' that are really just slow news periods so they exploit something that happens regularly. etc. anyway, it seemed like every other day a little girl was being kidnapped. some of them turned up killed and/or worse. a few made it back home alive. it was disturbing to say the least and keeping up with the cases became a minor obsession. hence some of the lyrics. the rest of the lyrics (chorus, etc) are in reference to the pride that comes as a by-product of being an underdog, another popular (if not overused) theme among these songs and those that came before them (and let's be honest, old dog, new tricks, etc.). Anyway this theme takes on many levels . the most obvious being the genre of music we play, especially in this day and age. it's a conscious decision to not appease the mainstream, but probably a more important one to not appease the genre you do actually reside in. Not sure if that makes any sense on paper, but i guess my point is don't rebel against the mainstream only to conform to the underground. and that's why the bands not skreetlight skanifesto. Maybe next time i'll be more lucid (as usual the sun will be rising soon). Until then, stay safe and be kind to one another. Know that the love you feel for what we do (this is, if that's the case. If not we're genuinely sorry for wasting your time) is felt by us and hopefully the love we put into this is felt by you too."

Someone else typed this up, from the demo liner notes, so I thought I'd copy/paste it here for anyone else who wanted to see it but doesn't have the demo.

Cover art for We Are The Few lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

Well, this is my theory of what this song means.

"i don't care if you leave or stay but you might as well split because it's not the same as it was when we said our last goodbye and if you want the truth: i was hoping one of us would pass away because it'd be much easier then we would all get together and think about when we were young we were dumb we were numb but in love and i'm done so i'm sending out this letter today"

From this part of the song you can tell that its about knowing that your going to lose someone you love. Also, from the parts "we are the few that won't say nothing right we are the footsteps fading into the night nobody cares and nobody stares with such conviction and i say: i never wanted this, no one ever wanted this but they gave it to you so you might as well be proud of it"

I think its coming from the voice of the person who lost the love. For all you people out there who have gotten you heart broken, you know how it feels, you just want to disappear. Which would explain the "we are the footsteps fading into the night " part. Just kinda fading away. And the "we are the few that won't say nothing right" means you said the wrong things, and now here you are. "i never wanted this, no one ever wanted this but they gave it to you so you might as well be proud of it " Nobody wants their heart broken. But you cant do anything about it, so just be proud of it.

All in all, Great song, i HIGHLY recommend getting this album

Cover art for We Are The Few lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

i don't see how this song could be about a car crash when it says "but they gave it to you so you might as well be proud of it"

How can you be proud of having a car crash and killing someone??

Cover art for We Are The Few lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

I think its just about life in a town like hell. Maybe a slum with gangs running around. And these people are the screw-ups. Their whole life is one big mistake, but they live with what they got and they're proud of it. Mr Gepetto died and they miss him. Someone blames themself for his death, but its life that killed him

Cover art for We Are The Few lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

"i never wanted this, no one ever wanted this but they gave it to you so you might as well be proud of it i don't know where we went wrong all i know is i got to do something right"

To put it vaguely, I think this song might be about a mistake has been made by either one person or a group of people. The constant references to rights, wrongs, "I never wanted this, no one ever wanted this", "I don't know where we went wrong all I know now is I gotta do something right".

I love Streetlight, and how some of their songs are an enigma.

Cover art for We Are The Few lyrics by Streetlight Manifesto

u guys gotta think about this.... this song is about them splitting up with Catch22.... remember that 3 members frum Streetlight are frum Catch 22.... thats what this whole song is about..."i don't care if you leave or stay but you might as well split because it's not the same as it was when we said our last goodbye and if you want the truth: i was hoping one of us would pass away because it'd be much easier then we would all get together and think about when we were young we were dumb we were numb but in love and i'm done so i'm sending out this letter today"

Thomas the main singer is taking about the last few days with Catch 22 ands he even says "i never wanted this, no one ever wanted this but they gave it to you so you might as well be proud of it i don't know where we went wrong all i know is i got to do something right" no one even him wants the origional members of Catch 22 to split but he says all i no know is that i gotta do something right witch he thought was makin streetlight